Chapter 5 | New

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'I think everyone can agree I need to focus on myself. Why do I need puppets to get farther than Asano, that sounds like some wimping insecure shit.'

"Are you paying attention, Y/N?" The teacher tapped your desk as he spoke, stopping the lesson for your presents.

'No, no, no why did you have to say that, teach!' You screamed in your mind. You nodded a little, giving your attention to the lesson.

You looked around eyeing every Big 5 member, 'hopefully, they don't say anything!'


"Here, I'll help you out with those books, Y/N." Teppi took a good portion of your pile and set them on a study table.

"Thank you, Teppi. That was a huge help." You waved him off as he went to look for his books.

You'd finally decided that being bossy and blunt didn't suit you, especially if you wanted to beat Asano. What would being like him do for you? Now, being the opposite, aka being nice. That's the way to go, or that's what you thought at least.

Studying was always a pain in the ass, but now it was absolutely necessary. Especially when you're trying to score higher than the smartest kid in school, maybe even the district!

Currently, you were in the schools' library, focusing on the math textbooks in front of you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the unexpected. Akagi was encased between a low-stalked bookshelf, now who was the culprit? Gakashu Asano, that fucking bitch.

He was saying something to her, one of her arms where pinned against the books. 'What the fuck is going on?' You thought to yourself, wiping your forehead as your body got hotter and panicked with worry. You still looked as though you were reading, but you could see the whole thing going down.

3rd person

"I'll make a deal, Akagi. This is a one-time thing." Asano, glanced over at Y/N, knowing he caught her attention.

Akagi nodded her head, he could see the panic in her eyes. "I'll get you back up to Class A, or whatever else you want. Just do this one thing for me." He paused for a second, was he getting nervous?

He bit his lip before looking back at Y/N, 'come on I need you looking over here to make this work.'

He focused back to Akagi, no doubt in his mind that you weren't listening. "I want you to be my girlfriend."

There was a dead silence surrounding Asano. 'Did I say something wrong? No, that's not it.'

"Why me, I know lots of girls better than me, like Y/N, or-" Asano stopped her before she could finish. His job was done, he'd hopefully succeed at messing with Y/N's feelings, leaving her in a state of jealousy.

"I asked you for a reason, so yes or no?" His brows furrowed as he waited for Akagi's answer. It wasn't that hard, anyone would want Asano.

"S-Sure!" Her cheeks were colored red as her fingers fumbled against his chest.

"What the actual fuck?" Y/N said to herself. I newer feeling rushed inside of her, jealousy.

She lost her train of thought as she saw Akagi place her hand on his chest, closing the gap between them. With this new feeling taking over, she grabbed the books and left, trying to be as quiet as she was when she entered the library.

"What a fucking Bitch, how could she."

As pathetic as it was, a tear streamed down her sour face. She walked home, she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Why was she so stuck on that?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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