In comparison the guys are way overdressed compared to the hockey players. Most of them are in hockey shirts and wearing sweatpants or jeans. Some of them look like they are straight up in their pajamas as they dance with gorgeous girls who probably spent hours getting ready and are way too hot to be dancing with them.

"Can I put my jacket somewhere," I yell over the music. Ryder nods, waving for us all to follow him up the stairs.

We follow him to a door and he opens it to a clean bedroom with other jackets laying on the bed and desk chair. "This is Bray's room, it is where we are putting jackets tonight," he tells us as we take our jackets off and put them on the bed together.

"Thanks," Luna says, still looking hesitant about being here. We all follow Ryder back downstairs, people greeting him left and right like he is the president. I fight the urge to roll my eyes and remind myself of my earlier outburst and Ryder's words. He acknowledges the work I put in, besides just because I don't get recognition doesn't mean he doesn't deserve it, he works equally as hard.

"Drink anyone?" We are now in the kitchen where jugs of jungle juice sit on the counter. There is a door which leads to what looks like a basement and another set of stairs that leads up to the above floors. To the left is another entryway that leads to a dining room where games of beer pong are being played. "Maya?"

Maya clams up with Ryder's attention on her so I quickly swoop in. "Yeah we will all have a drink. Luna you're drinking with me," I tell Luna who has now left Tristian to stand on Maya's other side as support.

"Gotcha." Ryder pours us each a drink as Parker pulls my hair to get my attention.

"What," I hiss, rubbing my sore scalp.

"We gotta bounce, now girlie."

"Parker it is not 10pm yet, no. Just have one drink."

"My ex is here. We. Need. To. Leave."

I peek into the dining room and sure enough at one of the tables is Parker's ex. Parker's breakup with him was messy to say the least and I know a part of Parker regrets the break up. It was a toxic relationship for sure with high highs and low lows but Parker hasn't felt what he felt with his ex with anyone else and I know that scares him.

"Hey."  Some guy walks in and nudges Ryder before looking at our little group. I recognize him as one of the guys who was watching us skate that one day. He is bigger than Ryder, not taller but he has broader shoulders. His entrance has caught everyone but Parker's attention.

"Bray this is Beck, Beck this is my best friend Bray."

"Hey," I greet as he gives me a little nod. The rest of the group introduces themselves as Ryder hands us each a drink. Bray's eyes are trained on Parker who is still watching his ex like he is the only person here. "His ex," I explain to Bray.

"He looks so good, maybe I should go talk to him? I mean the sex was great? He was so, I mean you know guys. I mean what harm is there in going over there and saying hi?"

"Desperate much," Bray mutters before exiting the room with an attitude like someone pissed in his drink. That got Parker's attention and his mouth pops open as his face turns red in a mix of embarrassment and anger.

"Relax," I whisper to him before he does something stupid. Parker is notorious for being dramatic and always manages to find himself in the middle of a mess.

"Ignore Bray, he is just cranky," Ryder tells Parker.

"If I am going to be here I want to dance," Luna says as she turns to Tristian. He doesn't even hesitate, throwing back the rest of his drink then leading Luna to the dance floor where they will undoubtedly show up everyone.

Double Booked | 509 Series Book 1 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें