The Beginning of a new Journey

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Currently the champion of Alola is in a heated battle against his rival Hau. Both were down to there last Pokemon. Hau had out his Incineroar and (Y/n) had out his Primorina.

"Alright (Y/n) this is the last stretch. And today is the day I take your championship title away from you!" Hau shouted out confidently.

"I like to see you try Hau! Remember I have type advantage here!" (Y/n) shouted back in pure joy.

Suddenly (Y/n) started to go through a dance. He moved his arms around in a circular movement and then brought his arms fully stretched out in front of him, arms crossed, and then brought them to his right side and made a wave motion and then moved them to his left side and went with the wave motion once more. Primorina then went and made a huge water bubble and started to push it forward, much to the surprise of Hau.

"What, using a Z-move. Darn it! Incineroar get out of range now!" Hau shouted out, worried for his Pokemon and regretting using his own Z-move on (Y/n) mega Salamance.

Trying it's best Hau's Incineroar tried to get out of the blast range. Right before Incineroar could get out of the range (Y/n) shot his hands upwards using his finger to point up with both hands. Primorina than gave a cry out and the bubble burst, it's water getting everywhere. In the midst of it was Incineroar who took a huge portion of the move head on and fainted.

Seeing this Hau sighed and retrieved Incineroar with a small smile on his face. Hau then started to laugh out loud, causing (Y/n) to start laughing at well. Both gave a each other a handshake showing that there was no bad blood between the two of them.

"That was a good battle as always Hau, you seem to come up with something new every time we battle." (Y/n) says, after getting his laughter under control.

"Yeah, but as always it doesn't seem to work. You always manage to pull out the victory somehow." Hau said, still laughing a bit.

"You almost had me there this time around." (Y/n) points out.

"Yeah. I'll just have to try again after I get some more training in." Hau answers.

The two then noticed Kahili enter the room.

"Sorry to interrupt, but your cousin just sent a message here and he request your presence in his lab back on Melee Melee Island." Kahili says as she makes her way towards the two of them.

"Did he say why?" (Y/n) asked.

"No he says he would explain it to you once you got there. Don't worry champ it shouldn't be anything to bad." Kahili says to reassure the boy.

"Alright then I'll make my way over. Thanks for letting me know about this Kahili. Next time I come around I look forward to the rematch." (Y/n) says as he gets up and leaves.

Leaving to Melee Melee island (Y/n) called upon his Pokemon pager and called a Charizard to take him back. He landed in front of the pokemon center close to his home, he went inside quickly to get his Pokemon healed up really quickly.

Once the team was healed (Y/n) said thanks to the local Nurse Joy and left. He then makes his way to where his cousin was staying at. Surprisingly enough (Y/n) wasn't hearing any shouts coming from inside of the small shack which was unusual. Entering very cautiously (Y/n) noticed that his cousin was on a call with what he assumed to be another pokemon professor already in a discussion with the other professor.

". . . Sorry I can't go. I'm to busy here, can't you send it here?" Kukui asked.

"No can do, these wishing stars are to valuable here for me to just send them off, even for further studies on it. And besides they are seemingly inactive outside of our region." Another voice spoke up.

"What if I sent someone there in my steed?" Kukui spoke up.

"Well that could be possible so long as they too are knowledgeable on your Z moves and there relationship with the crystals." The other professor says.

"Yes I can say for certain he knowledgeable about it. These past two years I've been tutoring him on the subject. My cousin has studies just about everything I have researched on the Z moves with us and there abilities. In fact he's here now." Kukui says as he noticed (Y/n) standing in the doorway.

"I guess that would work. He'll have to arrive here by boat and then take a train to Monosuke, make sure he knows this." The professor says as she hanged up.

"So that's what you needed me for cousin." (Y/n) says from the doorway.

"Yeah. You do know that if I could go I would." Kukui responds.

"Yeah I know. I'll gladly go. I could use the change of pace. Winter is closing in and do to the weather storms going on these days during the winter season it's not safe for people to be traveling there so me and the others decided that we're going to temporarily close down the challenges so nobody gets hurt." (Y/n) speaks up.

"Well it's settled. Make sure you let your mom know and get packed, I'll give you the information you need tommorow cousin." Kukui says as he leaves the room, exiting the cabin, joining his wife and one year old son outside.

With that settled (Y/n) hanged out a bit with his cousin and his family till the evening before heading home. Once back home (Y/n) headed into the backyard where his mom was waiting. As he sat down next to his mom, (Y/n) released his team so there not confined to there pokeballs.

"So how has the championship battles go today?" (M/n) asked her son.

"Amazing, everyday everyone that challenges me get better and better. I'm glad that Kukui convinced me to take the island challenge. Especially sense everyone has accepted me as one of them." (Y/n) says with a smile on his face.

"That's good to here son. Anything else happened today?" (M/n) asked curiously.

"Yeah actually. Kukui asked me if I could go to the Galar region in his place to see if there is any relationship between these wishing stars the Galar region has and our Z crystals. I accepted. I hope that fine." (Y/n) says a bit worried that his mom would be mad at him for doing this without informing her first.

"Well . . . That is a bit much to here. Though so long as you call me whenever you get the chance it should be fine. That and you stay safe." (M/n) says a bit reluctantly.

"Thanks mom. I will be sure to call you whenever I can get the chance to. And I'll definitely be safe, especially with my team by my side." (Y/n) says.

With that said (Y/n) went off to bed for the night. Tomorrow he was heading off to the cities boat bay so he can head off to the Galar region so he can then take a train to head to where he would meet the pokémon professor of the region.

A/n: Well I'm Glad to finally have this done. Please let me know if anything is incorrect at all. I am basing this off the story of the Sun and Moon Game and the Sword/Shield game. And thanks for all the reeds on just the character introduction alone, who knew that a Pokémon male reader insert would be so popular. Oh and RQ I'm in the process of making this character a rival/travel companion/guide of sorts for his time in Galar, so if anyone want's to recommend a Pokémon or a whole team for them let me know, and please let me know the reasoning behind said pokémon or pokémon team. Pokémon of the day is my Turtwig, my starter choice for the new diamond and pearl remake game. Thank you all for reading this and have a great day. Once again I own nothing.

Alola Champion's adventure in Galar (Male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now