"Chief, we there yet? I'm itching for action and all. You promised we'd be there soon."
Yang said, clearly bored.
"Just a bit more."
John replied, suddenly an explosion occurred to the right of the Pelican. They're getting shot down.
"Is this normal?!"
Panickly shouted Weiss, as Chief reached for his rifle.
"Pilot it to your destination."
Chief told the three, standing by the doors.
"And what about you?"
Asked a very worried Schnee.
"I'll make it." Replied Chief as he opened the doors and jumped out, his grappling hook on his wrist. He used it to survive the fall, now landing as he aimed his rifle. His radar had shown 8 targets up infront as he made his way closer, The Banished. Not wasting a single second, he jumped ontop of the Anti-Air Wraith and broke the hatch open. Pulling out the Brute inside of it as he sprayed it with 36 rounds from the rifle. The Brute fell, as the others looked towards the Spartan. Both out of fear and rage. Chief wasted no seconds, putting away his rifle as he'd hook a Brute by the throat. Ripping it out, he'd then jump over another 3. Using armor-lock to avoid the spike grenades they threw. Once it disabled, he ran up towards them and with quick punches that sounded almost like gunfire he broke several of their bones. To finish them off, Chief grabbed their Maulers and shot them in the head one by one. The remaining 3 Brutes ran, 2 of which hopped into Banshees while the last attempted to kill Chief with a Skewer.
He quickly dodged the incoming projectiles, hitting the Brute in the face with his elbow before swiftly finishing him off with 2 Mauler shots. Before the Banshees could get away, he picked up the Skewer and grappled onto one of them. While they were flying, he stood ontop of the Banshee. Firing into the second one and immediately destroying it and the Brute inside. He'd then throw away the empty Skewer and pull out the Brute. Throwing him to his death. Cortana would then ask: "You know, I didnt expect The Banished to be here. What do we do if we meet a kingdom official?"
With it, Chief replied.
"Tell them."
While flying the Banshee, he escorted the Pelican as they all cheered knowing who's piloting.
"Man that was quick! You kicked their asses for sure!" Exclaimed Yang, as Chief replied through the comms.
"I am to please."
The flight afterwards was calm, as they made their landing. Chief on the other hand decided to trap the Banshee and land it in the forest to know if there's anyone smart enough to attempt at an escape. With that he entered the academy, his heavy footsteps echoing through the building as it all became silent. He knows the others are talking with Ozpin thanks to Hope Lane spying on them as he eventually stops by the door. Putting away his weapon, Chief entered. Being surprised by an ODST and Arbiter.
"Chief?.." Curwen said, shocked as he inspected the green spartan. The Arbiter easily recognized Chief, greeting the Spartan with a firm nod. While the others who havent seen Chief were stunned on how tall he is and well. His equipment, since Curwen could pass into Atlas with a right color scheme and Arbiter can turn invisible. But Chief is something else, a tall hunk of a man inside the armor made to be used by Spartan-IIs and only them is way different than anything they've seen.

With that, a few days went by as they learned things from one another. Mainly the new trio was the one who learned, quartet if you count Cortana. Although she's been quiet lately. "Cortana?" Chief asked, hiding away his worry. The reply was silence, in return Chief tried to project her onto his hand. Only to hear a fight happening right outside the room, Chief clenched his fist. Grabbing his Rifle and Magnum as he kicked open the door. Immediately spotting multiple targets.
Mercury, Emerald, Raven, Cinder and Hazel. He jumped over the railing, as Cinder moved back out of fear. To see that the person who almost killed you is right here, her evil smirk turned into a look of genuine fear. With Emerald and Mercury stepping away from Cinder. She barely muttered out: "Y-You...?" Chief didnt waste any time, replying: "Boo."
Hazel dropped the beaten up Oscar, charging Chief head on. What he didnt expect from the Spartan is his reaction time. Chief landed 6 consecutive punches on Hazel. Nearly shattering his aura as Cinder, Vernal and Raven retreated into the vault. Chief is going to take the heat and let the others chase after.
"What are you?!" Hazel shouted at Chief, as he replied with sass.
"Something you shouldnt have picked the fight with." instead of using weapons against him, Chief pulled up his fists. Readying up. Mercury rushed towards Chief as Hazel attempted to uppercut the Spartan. But nothing could top his reaction speed, he ducked under multiple of Mercury's attacks, getting ahold of his leg and slamming him against Hazel. To add up, Chief would then dropkick him, as Hazel hit a wall. Emerald decided not to step in, noticing the barely standing Oscar and attacking him instead.
Hazel got up, injecting dust crystals through his forearms as Chief gestured his hand for him to attack. Due to the fact Mercury has no aura, he's been laying down, recovering it in order to attack Chief again. As Hazel ran up to Chief, his grapple wrapped around his neck, the tether began retracting and pulling Hazel with. Chief would then uppercut him onto the second floor, grappling onto the roof and landing to Hazels right. Before he could kill him, he was stopped by Emerald.
"Do it and I'll kill him too." She held Oscar hostage. But Chief didnt say anything, stepping closer. Arbiter uncloaked behind Emerald as Chief took Oscar. With that Arbiter slammed her face first into the wall and the floor.
"117, have you seen the ODST?"
Chief realized whats going on outside, turning around and vaulting over. Curwen was dealing with White Fang backup all by himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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