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Chaos. Screaming. Panic all around. Beacon has met its demise at the hands of Cinder and her new acquaintances. Emerald and Mercury went after her down the elevator, all three had a simple task of killing Ozpin.
Were it so simple...
"We need to open the second cryo-chamber, that was my last resort during such an attack."
Spoke a male voice, their voice tinted with slight panic. They approached the second cryo-pod that held a suit of armor. But was it really just armor or so he thought?
Upon opening the pod, white yet cold fog came out of it. Completely covering the majority of the room he and some other unknown individuals were standing in.

The Chief quickly got used to moving and standing as he reached into his pod. Surprisingly, it wasnt exactly the same one he had fell into stasis to. He grabbed his Magnum, Assault Rifle and to his surprise there was also an Energy Sword right behind the door handle. As if someone had planned the event beforehand. Chief quickly inspected his left wrist, seeing a grappling hook on it.
But now was no time to test out the new accessories given to him unknowingly by Cortana, who finally spoke. Her caring voice alerting Chief:
"No time to explain, three targets South-East! Be extremely careful with target 1."

With that Chief swiftly ran out of smoke, spotting Cinder and her two lackeys that she brings with her almost everywhere.
Chief wasted no time, putting his rifle onto his back and enabling his Energy Sword. Firing a grapple onto a nearby pillar, Chief gained momentum and used it to knock Mercury into a wall. The kick was strong enough to send the silver-haired boy flying and leaving a crater upon impact into the wall.
Upon seeing this Emerald alerted Cinder and pointed at Chief, who snapped his head towards the two and sprinted towards them.
Cinder summoned 4 blades around herself and sent them flying at Chief in an attempt to stop the Spartan-II in his tracks.
It went horribly as Chief raised his left-wrist infront of himself, the repulsor went off and said all blades back. Cinder growled, as Ozpin and the other two ran for the elevator.
Cortana's voice rung out again:
"Chief, if you break all the pillars and get to the elevator this entire section will collapse. I need you to follow those three. I'll explain later, but now do what you do best!"
Wasting no time, Chief did as told. With a single punch, the pillar to his left shattered as the foundation shook. Something large was lingering outside. Attacking the structure he was in.
Mercury hit Chief from the back, Emerald rushed up for an uppercut. But it only grazed his shields as he swiftly grabbed both of them by their heads and slammed them against eachother. Instantly knocking them out with a nasty crunch. Looks like he also broke their noses in the process.
Although what distracted Chief is once they collided, they shimmered. With the green haired girl, unbeknownst to him, having a green overshield and the punk silver-haired boy having a silver overshield.
With that distraction, Cinder landed a few successful blows on Chiefs shields. He didnt take long to grapple away while he let his shields recharge. His grapple detached mid-air as he slammed himself through multiple pillars, also slashing away any projectiles Cinder set at him with the energy sword. He disabled it holding himself on another pillar as he felt it vibrate. Cortana spoke:
"Its crumbling down! Run for it!"
John jumped off the pillar and ran inside the elevator, he pressed the button yet to no avail nothing happened. Plan B.
He slammed the hatch open with his fist while Cinder was busy going for another way out.
Using his grapple, Chief sent himself upwards. And slammed his fist into an elevator door. He heard commotion behind it, clenching his other fist as he pried the doors open. Only to be met with glares of awe and fear of some teenagers. But that didnt last long, he turned his head to the right seeing one of their air-vehicles land. He watched some students rush towards it only for it to be inevitably blown up by a mech.
Chief cannot risk their lives, he may not know what is he here for, who are they, but he surely knows that they're getting out of this alive be it sacrifice or his lending hand.
He rushed into battle, enabling his Energy Sword along the way. The mech fired rockets at the Chief, as he quickly came to a halt and used armor-lock. The rockets were completely negated by the overcharged shields as he emerged from the smoke, leaving the spectators in awe. The mech proceeded to turn its cannon towards the Chief, as he had already gotten ontop, slicing off its arms and sliding down his back with the sword stabbed into it. He split the mech into two as he disabled it.
He watched as another one of those air-transports were on their way to arrival. Only to see it get shredded by a large wyvern like creature with white bone exoskeleton and a fully black body, its eyes flaming red. Looking around, he thought of a plan. He saw someone with a grenade launcher, he grabbed their shoulder and spoke:
"Boost me towards the creature."
Said Chief with sheer confidence as the girl with ginger hair, wielding a grenade launcher grinned. He moved away from her gripping his Energy Sword firmly.
Suddenly, take-off. Chief closed distance quickly using his grapple to land on the creatures long neck. He directed it back at the structure he escaped from.
Enabling his Energy Sword and seconds before impact, Chief swiftly decapitated the Wyvern and hopped off of it. Landing onto the ground and causing it to shake from impact. The third, yet successful air-transport arrived. Cortana warned Chief:
"It doesnt have enough space for us and the next one wont be here any time soon. You have a plan besides sitting down with them for safety?"
She spoke with a hint of sarcasm. The Chief simply replied
"As always."
He gestured for everyone to get inside, once the air-craft began to take-off he ran up to it and used the repulsor while looking downwards to send himself up and onto the air-craft. The Pilot was afraid it was another Grimm, but Chief tapped the glass while grappling onto its metal surface.
He gestured for the pilot to start flying, which he undoubtedly did. Nobody knew or even wondered who this green armored Spartan is. All they knew is that he was on their side, and that he has given all of them hope in these horrible times.

Ozpin, Pyrrha and Ruby had safely evacuated. Ozpin let out a sigh, before chuckling to himself. Before the two girls could ask him anything, he was abruptly killed by Cinder. Who is technically a walking corpse after the collapse of the lower levels. Pyrrha and Ruby were left shocked and had no time for words. A large white flash covered the entire burnt and broken area.

Prologue, End.

Feet First Into Remnant. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ