unfinished symphony or the tale of a "happy" reunion

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TW: c!Ranboo hurt, c!Tommy hurt, happy tears, crying, yelling, arguing, c!Tubbo hurt, c!Tubbo Trauma, lmanburg hurt/angst/neg, bullying, overprotective parenting , sarcasm, swearing

*beep* Tommy took out his communicator. "Tommy Time for food =]", the message on the screen said. Oh Ranboo. He put his notebook into his back and went down the tunnels back to the beeduo mansion. He crawled out of the tunnel and sneaked in the dining room. Tubbo and Ranboo were already eating. Micheal was really excited when he spotted his Uncle. „Uncle Tommy!" he smiled. „Hey Micky, how was kindergarten?„ „It was awesome! I met a new kid! His name is yoghurt and he's my best friend! Besides you of course!" he hugged his uncle. „I'am glad you liked it bud. By the way, your dad had a poggers idea. What would you think if i brought you to kindergarten tomorrow? I'll also get you at the end and we can spend the rest of the day as boys day. Just the two of us. Of course if you want, Yoghurt can come to!" The little boy looked so excited and imideatly got up. „Young Man, what do you think you're doing?" Ranboo asked, pulling down their glasses. Tubbo startet giggling. „They're joking" he whispered under his breath. „Your sure Bee." Ranboo turned around to give their husband the same look before breaking into laughter. „Joking aside tho. Don't you think you forgot something young boy?" „Hihi, i don't know Boo. But i wanna go to bed so it can be tomorrow already!" Ranboo smiled. „Don't be hasty Micheal. First you need to eat your dinner. Like your uncle to. Tommy." they gifted him a look to.  Micheal startet giggling. „Yea Uncle Tommy! Eat!" That made the little round at the table all laugh out loud. They finished their dinner, while talking about everyones day and quickly went to bed.
The Next Day...
„Micheal! Time for kindergarten!" Tommy watched the little boy rush down the stairs. „On my way uncle Tommy!" he tripped. „Ahhhhhhhh" „Hey Buddy. Careful!" Tommy catchend the little boy and smiled. They both started laughing and Tommy brought the little boy plus bag outside, where he put his back on him, took his hand and walked to kindergarten with him. After a good hour walk they reached the little kindergarten. „Okay Micheal, see you later bud, aye?" Micheal shook his head and took Tommy's hand, again. „You're coming inside, i want you to meet Yoghurt!" Tommy laughed and followed the exidet little piglin. Inside waited a little fox boy with silver hair. It hung in his face, you could barely see his eyes. „Heeeeeyyy Yoghurt! That's my Uncle, the coolest one! I told you about him!" Tommy smiled and waved at the little boy. „Hi" Yoghurt shyly said, and waved back. „Okay you two. Have fun!" Tommy then said. He quickly hugged Micheal and went home.
A Few Hours later...
„Hya Micheal, how was your day?" Tommy asked full of exidment. „Oh it was awesome! Me and Yoghurt played with Barbies!„ „Wow that's epic dude!" „Wait, really?" „Yea, why shouldn't it, their awesome." „A kid said they were only for girls and we couldn't play with them...Yoghurt was so upset..." Now Micheal looked sad. „That's Bullcrap. Anyone can play with Barbies. Tell the kid that, and Yoghurt. He doesn't need to be upset anymore!" Tommy said. „Alright, poggers Uncle Tommy! Thanks! And now? What's the plan?" Micheal asked. „I've prepared a little picnic for us. You chose the spot? Does that sound like a plan?" „Yeyy!" he nodded. „Let's go to the bank, that one by your house, that one you, bee and boo like so much, remember?" the little boy suggested. „Your choice Micheal. The bench it is!" the two made their way up to the picnic spot. „Man i haven't been here in ages..Since Dream... Since we imprisoned him..Good to see that nothing changed..." Tommy said, a nostalgic look on his face. „Yea. But come on now Uncle Tommy, i'am hungry! I wanna see what you've made!!" the little boy said, already grabbing in Tommys bag. „Wowwww!!" Michaels eyes startet glowing. „Gold Apples! You're the best Uncle Tommy!" he hugged Tommy tight, and the both sat down. Micheal took a big bite from the apple, almost a little to big for his mouth. „Mhhh. It's awesome Uncle Tommy!" he smiled. „Glad you like it Buddy" the two peacefully ate together and as they saw the sun going down. They looked at the horizon together and just like that, the boys fell asleep right then and there.
Around Five Hours later...
*klonck* Tommy woke up. "What? Fuck, how late is it?!" he took out his pocket watch. 11.30pm. "Shit!Shit!Shit!Fuck!" he carefully taped on Michaels shoulder. "Hey Bud. We have to go home!" "Hm?" Micheal looked at him in confusion. "Your parents will be worried!" "But they're always worried! Can't we stay a bit longer?" "No bud, we fell asleep, it's almost midnight! They'll never let us have boys day again,fudge!" Micheal was really mad but eventually let Tommy pick him up. About two hours later they finally arrived at the mansion. They went in and were greeted by a not so happy Tubbo. "Hey Micheal! You alright?" you could hear the anger in his voice, tho he was holding back. He quickly brought Micheal to bed and went back to Tommy, who was sitting in the living room. "WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?!" "I-" "I LET YOU TAKE MY SON OUT FOR A PICNIC AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO ARIVVE AT 2 AM?! WHY THE HECKING FUCK?! WE SAID 8PM?! WHATS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND THERE?!" "We we're at the bank and fell asleep. I'am sorry Tubbs, i didn't mean for that to happen." "YOU WERE THAT FAR AWAY?! WHAT THE FUCK?! I WAS WORRIED SICK!!!ILL NEVER LET YOU TWO DO THAT AGAIN!! IN FACT, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!" "What the fuck Tubbo?! It's middle of the night and we just fell asleep!!!! How in the world is that a reason for you to kick me out?! What the hell?!" "Bee don't you think that's a bit much? I think you should go to bed now." "but-" "Please Bee. Go to sleep. We'll discuss that tomorrow. Micheal is okay now, and that's what counts." Ranboo stood in the door and smiled at their husband. Tubbo gave in and went to the bedroom, on the way he whispered "We aren't done yet" to Tommy. "Man What the fuck Ranboo?!" "I'am so sorry for him Tommy. He's very protective sometimes. But don't worry. I'am not mad, stuff like that happens." "But why? It makes no fucking sense?!" "I know, but you know, he has his own struggles. Micheal is his one and only. He couldn't stand if something happens to him. It's like he's the only one he has.....He still misses L'Manburg you know? He wasn't able to let go yet..." they smiled sadly. "But sleep now Tommy. We're all tired. And sleep is important you know." the grinned at him before going of to bed. Tommy went to his room and hoped in bed and instantly feel asleep.
The Next Day...
*Boing* *Boing* *Boing* "Uncle Tommy! Wake up Uncle Tommy! A surprise is waiting for you!" Micheal jumped up and down on his uncles bed. "What the fudge Micheal?" "Wake up now!" Tommy saw Micheal leaning over him a mischievous smile on his face. "You know i don't like surprises, right?" "Yea. But a little bird told me, you're really going to like this one. I guess you just have to trust me in that Uncle Tommy." he acted very secretly, wich did make Tommy curious. Micheal took his hand hand and they went downstairs to the living room together. "What the-" he rushed up to the two people siting on the couch and fell in their arms. "Mum, Dad what the fudge are you doing here?" "Fudge? Ranboo what did you do to him?" Phil giggled. "He never swears infront of Micheal,ever." Ranboo said. "So. I. I gave up my immortality. Iam no longer a god. We decided we wanted to come back. That was the only way." Kristin pushed some hair from Tommys face and looked at him. "My boy. You grew so much" Tommy went red. "Mumza don't say that." l will actually." she smiled. "But you know you didn't had to do this?" "Jes. But we decided so." "Either way. I'am happy your back." Tommy smiled, nuzzling up to his mum. "Does Dadza also get a hug maybe?" he looked over to Tommy and acted all hurt. "Hahaha. Of course Dadza. Hey." he hugged Phil tightly. "Hey Kiddo." "I'am so glad you're back." "I'am happy to. I missed you. Now we can finally be a real family, after all this time." "Yes. Finally. Didn't just take you almost 21 years." Tommy said, only jokingly of course. "Hey Ranboo, where's Tubbo?" Tommy asked suddenly. "He said he needed some fresh air. Probably be gone for a few days." "Ahhh. alright." he said. "Did you guys were at Technos already?" "No. You wanna come?" Phil asked. "Yup. Definitely." The trio quickly got up and went on their way. It was only around an half an hour walk to Technos Cabin, so they arrived quickly. Tommy shouted for Techno. "Techno!!" "Tommy? What's up Dude?" "Surprise Guests!!" "Heeeeehh?! Alright Dude i'am coming out." Techno looked out of his cabin. "Yoooooooo. What the fuuck." "Hey Mate!!" Phil smiled and waved. Mumza stood beside him. "We're back Kristen ga-" Phil couldn't even finish his sentence. Techno fell in his arms, hugging him tight. Phil felt tears on his coat. "Hey Mate. Don't cry." "I missed you so much Phil." Techno pressed out. "Don't you wanna know why we're back?" "No i don't care. You're back and that's all that matters. Love you Phil." "Love you to Mate." „Awww they are besties you'r hounour!" Mumza started laughing. „What is there to laugh at mother?" Tommy joked. „Nothing, it's just that for once, you actually said something funny, son!" „WhAt iS tHAt SuPoSSeD tO mEAn MotHEr?!" the two startet laughing even more. „Guys, shut up, you're ruining the moment!" Techno said, making them cackle even more. „Well guys it's to late now. Moment is ruined, Congrats, you made it." „Sorry Techno." Mumza smiled. „Man. Wife and Son really said. No No Wholsome Moment for you hah." Phil giggled. „Haha. It's fine. I'am just glad you're back now."
The rest of the day was spend with a lot of talking and catching up, till eventually they had to go home to put Micheal to bed. Phil and Kristen officially lived with Techno again now and Tommy most likely will move there soon to. „Man you gotta explain that to Micheal tho, i don't think he'll let you go." Ranboo said with a smile, before heading of to bed to.
The next Day...
„Well Uncle Tommy, you're staying then." Micheal said and put on a joking cold look. „Oh Come on bud, pleaseeeee, you can come visit me often." „Nope, if i can't come you'll just gonna have to stay. No Discussion." Micheal startet giggling. „Jokes aside tho. Of course it's fine with me. Even if it's sad that you won't live with us anymore." the little boy said. „Man, i'am glad Bud–" „Beeee!" „Hey Micheal." Tubbo stood in the room, a smile for Micheal and a pissed look for Tommy on his face. „Micheal. Would you mind leaving us alone for a hot minute?" Ranboo asked their son. „Okay!" he smiled and went up in his room. „Tubbo, i'am sorry alright? I didn't want for that to happen. And will not happen ever again, trust me okay? Would you please give me a second chance?" Tommy said. Tubbo hesitaded, but eventually gave in to his husband, who was begging him to say yes. „Alright, i guess it's the right thing to do, i forgive you Tommy..." he said. „Thanks Tubbs! You won't regret it!"
The next few days Tommy was very busy moving houses and everything was going great. Weren't there a very important day coming up just around the corner...
„Yo Ranboo!" „Hey Tommy!" „Where did Tubbo go again Ranboo? You know that?" he asked. „ Have you forgotten? It's L'Manburg Independance Day. He's at L'Manhole." they answered. „Oh right!" Tommy thought a moment. „Ranboo? Do you think i should go after him?" „Sounds like a good idea honestly." they said. „Alright." he patted Ranboo on the shoulder and rushed away. Two hours later he saw L'Manhole in his eyes. He looked at it, and the nature that took it back over the years. That was when he heard a voice, Tubbos Voice. He looked for him and found him siting on a mountain, strumming his ukulele and singing. „I heard there was a special place..." Tommy stepped forward to him, scaring Tubbo a bit. „...Where Man could go.. and emancipate..." „...The brutality and the tyranny of their ruler. Well this place was real you need a friend, with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo ... and Eret..." they continued singing the song together. „Man. I haven't heard it in ages..." Tommy sat down next to Tubbo.  „I really miss L'Manburg, you know Bossman?" he leaned onto Tommys shoulder. „I know Tubbs. I'am sorry i didn't get that earlier. I was a fucking bitch." „Hmm. Nooo, you couldn't have known....I dint say anything...for some reason i stopped trusting everything and everyone...I...I should be sorry!" „No! I...You....I...I miss L'Manburg too.. but more the people.... What do you miss? What do you struggle with? You might didn't tell me before but now you can Bossman!" Tubbo smiled. „Thanks Tommy! It's just...since L'Manburgˋs been gone... i tried replacing it.. i really did, but nothing worked. I'am empty without it, i'am nothing without L'Manburg...I feel like a puppet...I...I..just have..I should have told you, i'm sorry..." „I AM SORRY! Tubbs, i shouldn't have been so hard on you. You're my best friend...!" he hugged him. „How about we get the whole squad together...go on a trip, chilling like the old times! Maybe that'll help ya?" „Sounds good, i'am in!" „Nice Mate! Then it's a plan!„ the the two boys looked down würge whole and Tommy grabbed Tubbos hand. „This is the start of a bright future tubbs. i tell you! I'am glad i have you back." he leaned against his shoulder and together they watched the sun go down...
Wordcount : 2425

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