Lincoln Secret Reports

Start from the beginning

Lincoln's Report 3
With the battle against my sisters are nigh, I gather allies to help me. Loyal and easily persuaded one of them is my second wife: Ronnie Anne. How did this happen? Ronnie knew she can never put me through a second grief. She may be powerful enough to battle me but how would she if I'm me? The man she still loved. My eyes are failing me, I abused the power of Hellfire Illumination. The next thing to do is find me a donor. With Ronnie and Bobby (reluctantly) joined to battle my sisters, I've gained more authority. "Lori isn't the boss anymore", I thought. I took advantage of so many things, even Sam during my regime patrol. Lisa joined without a fight in exchange that I have all science facility on her and her husband's authority. I changed some laws along the way and made polygamy lawful. I had Ronnie again and through her: Lita Rochelle. Then Haiku, Tabby and Polly came the Agni Kai: Hiromi (real: Sonnet), Pan(Panther), and Terry. Sam came Lina and Jordan Rosato came Jor-El. Clyde had two: Stella Navarro and Penelope.
I managed to accomplish so much during the regime. I had Lisa rebuilt the Dimension Router to travel back in time of the Evil Genderbents. I met the Evil Genderbent's parents and reveal to them their children, those black sheeps. They needed a reminder of the wrongs they've wrought, I had a perfect example. Chancy (Girl-Hydro) McCann had Linka Loud separated from the rest, bound in power-dampeners. Swiftly but surely as the Evil Genderbent's parents are watching, I enucleate Linka in front of them. The evil brothers could only bark or struggle within as they see their sole sisters suffer. Their horrors are exhilarating and anguishing at the same time. I want for them to redeem themselves but they needed a form of poetic justice from their acts of crime. Ronald Andrei (Ron Andy) Santiago was their seeing the dread of Linka's blindness as she cry tears of blood from the hurt. I asked Chancy to return her back and make sure she is healthy after that excruciating experience. I call Lisa to do the surgery. The operation is a success and I can see again. I will use these eyes for good. Then afterwards, when my term as High-Councilor ends, I will travel the Sanctums as promised!

Lincoln's Report 4
I can't abuse the power of Hellfire Illumination anymore but at least I can still summon a flame-phantom that acts as my aide. I can still manifest my katana, shield and chakrams. My term ends and Clyde took place as the new High-Councilor. Before that, we raided some places and found a lost child. His name is Emerson and I adopted him as Logan's brother and Clyde's godson (baptized after the raid). Now the time has come, revisiting the Sanctums. First are the eleven masters. They are quite surprised of the feat I've done but disappointed to never see Caine (Soothsayer) when I had him sealed (before regime). Whenever we visit Sanctums, we trained there and after a few weeks (sometimes it took months), we also fulfil quests from their respective hosts that granted us many artifacts: Ra's spear (Longinus) a lost gift from his mentor, the Archangel Uriel; Knowledge Fruit (Apple of Eden: a lost technology); Thunderdrums from the Shinto Deity of Storms, Susano'o; Tome of the Angels (Protected by the Angels), Lesser Keys of Solomon, aka. Ars Goetia (Along the Sword of Amon); The Dead Sea Scroll (Once lost from Olympia when Israel is exiled too many times.); and so much more.
I heard news from home of the gifts I've sent. Before I sent the tomes, books and souvenirs; I heard Lori got attacked by Johnny Speed. I can't believe they didn't finish off the Terror Crew when they had the chance. Lori's fear sharpens into a will to get strong. Lisa made the tachyon tech armor based on the Dimension Router. But the armor is too unstable. It may cause her fate to be the same as the Heroic Genderbent in which, Linka (Phoenix Queen) is president and loved by many. There Loki, aka. Speed King or should I say: Godspeed, is as heroic as his brother. But an assassination attempt left Linka and Ron in coma. This triggered Loki to get stronger but his upgrade became too unstable that it transported him to the Speed Realm where he is sentenced to a limbo of his worst experience.
Now the last Sanctum approaches. In Jerusalem, in Solomon's temple, The key to Heaven: The key to Scala ad Caelum. There I will meet Paige and her two mothers: one of which is my future mentor, the owner of the Longinus spear herself, The Archangel of Fire, Wisdom, Enlightenment, and Camael's sister: Uriel.

Lincoln's Report 5
This might be my last report. After this training, I aim to reconcile with my failed past but going back to Royal Woods. I heard a war is approaching my place. I have to contact the alien experts for backup. Along them are friends that the High-Councilors made, from the United Federation of Nations (UFN) and a mercenary group called Scarlet Arrows. The Arctic Reapers Police Department dealt with arcane and mythical related problems. I was the only one left to take actions. I met with God (Ieouah El-Shaddai) and his sister (Pandora Nihil Klum) face-to-face. Logan and I bowed in reverence. I never felt this fear from an entire lifetime. He didn't even hesitate to say "I forgive you" even if I felt undeserved of that kindness. Afterall the wrong I've wrought, His Godliness's sister said that someone is trying to play deity and it is up to us to stop them. They've already dispatch a spy from the demon clan: The former angel now Demon King Lucifer Morningstar (Formerly Samael Lightbringer) under the guise of the scientist Dr. Faust Schnizer. It is outlawed in Scala, Xibalba and Netherworld to possess and control mortals, the Eternal Twins gave an approval for now or in case of Celestial emergency.
And so after a long training due to different Time-Space experience from the different realms and Sanctums, I decided to pay my boyhood home a visit. Passing through old routes from Greece, and Atlantis (where I met the Atlantic Pirates and Scourges along the Old-Kingdom of Merkin) up to the Nest of the Phoenix (formerly White House). My location is still unseen by Lisa so it was easy to travel without getting a chase. I noticed that Bermuda Triangle is experiencing an abnormality. I felt like something needs to be done.
The Tennyson's arrived in the nick of time and prepared a meeting. I'm in for an earful not just from them but when this war is over, I will play an active role from here on out.

If anyone is reading this, know this: The Dawn of Injustice will soon be over. But what will be of the future? Will we have the fortitude to "carry on". or will we be left with no choice but to put "absolute rulership" in this land of treachery and vileness?

Or will there be more "hidden truths"?

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