Dawn of Injustice Ch. 21 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 2 - Irate's Remorse)

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Loud Heroes: Dawn of Injustice Ch. 21 (Phoenix King: Dawn of Injustice 2 - Irate's Remorse)

Lincoln was able to exit the first door and went into the second via shortcut. Meanwhile outside the tower there are still monsters rampaging all over Florida and Cuba. The miasma temporarily stopped but the damaged done is still evident. New York city was the one that suffered more.

Outside the Tower

Lina/Star Hanabi: Hey bro! Look how big that tower is. [Dodges an Ursa as she fires a series of fire bullets]

Eclipse/Captain Thunder: I know, right! Right now, Uncle and mom are fighting within that tower.

Maggie/Shadow Mistress: I wonder how Luan is? No matter, with the Ars Goetia now at my hands, I can finally get rid of this curse.

Dr. Myth: Above us!!

Nicolas/Gravitron: I sense a large amount of metal coming in.

A woman with a Gyro-copter flight pack appears and uses a Big Fat Sword to slice an incoming Nevermore.

Lina/Star Hanabi: Mom?!

Sam: Where are Linc and Lunes?

Eclipse/Captain Thunder: Inside the tower.

Lina/Star Hanabi: Mom, you're a...?

Sam: Sorry, I forgot to tell. I promised to not use my powers anymore so I has your Aunt Lisa develop a virus to cancel my Metahuman Abilities. I guess the virus finally worn out. Anyways, escort me to them.

Lina & Eclipse: "Sure thing, mom!"

Inside the Tower

Lincoln saw that Luna is handling Nuke while Master Uriel and Luan are dealing with Irate. Lincoln enters the arena and aided his comrades.

Luna/Thunderdrum: Heh.. Now we will Rock you!!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Where's Ronnie?

Ronnie/Surge: Where do you think? [Punches Nuke's gut] We can't use our powers against him if he's just gonna absorb it, Lame-o!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: So physical attacks work. What about magic?

Luna/Thunderdrum: [facepalmed] Haven't done that! Was afraid he's gonna absorb it too. I was petrified.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Then try it! [Goes full flame but magically infused with Camael's Magical/Divine affinity]

Lincoln fired one shot and Nuke blocks it and tries absorbing it. Although he was able to absorb the blaze, he took damage unlike any other.

Nuke: Damn it! Magical powers again!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Ronnie, stay back. Luna and I are gonna take care of this!

Ronnie/Surge: You don't make orders to me, Lame-o. I only followed you to get revenge to the scums that killed my dad in cold-blood.

Luna/Thunderdrum: You mean you followed Linc's regime just for that?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: This is no time for arguments!! Luna distract him for me!

Luna/Thunderdrum: Fine! Rocker's Roar!! [A sonic blast propelled forward]

Nuke: Don't underestimate me! [Nuke fired a wave of energy blast protected himself from the impact.]


Uriel: This monster! This demon looked like your brother!

Luan/Mystica: I know, I can't hit him because it will just feel like hitting Linky!

Uriel: Then my calculations are correct, his appearance is distracting you from landing a hit. But his evil aura, we felt it right?

Luan/Mystica: It's like hitting his twin! An evil twin! I can't even joke about this right now!

Back to Luna and Ronnie

Nuke: Had enough?!

Ronnie/Surge: Damn it, we have the same powers! He'll just keep absorbing my attacks! Why didn't I trained when I had the chance?!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Ronnie, on my count, get ready to fire another shot! [he said as his left eye closed and bleeding]

Ronnie/Surge: No! Don't tell me you're using that again!? You'll go blind, lame-o!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: A small price to pay for not implanting the "eyes".

Nuke: THIS IS THE END!! [readies a giant energy bomb] NUCLEAR EXTINCTION!!! [throws it to the trio.]

Luna/Thunderdrum: THOR'S WRATH [Fires a large electrical current to the energy ball]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Time to raise the stakes! Ronnie now!!

Ronnie/Surge: Halley's Comet!! [Fires an energy wave]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Hellfire Illumination!! [Open's his left eye and coats the energy wave with dark-purple flames]

The clash is still tied due to Nuke's energy level. With the help of the Hexian vessel that he received, Nuke is still overpowering the trio.

Luna/Thunderdrum: Not enough power...

Sam: Give more to it!!

Lina & Eclipse: ROGER THAT, MOM!!

Sam uses a BFG and absorbs the energy from Lina and Eclipse

Eclipse/Captain Thunder: SHAZAM!! [Magical Lightning struck Eclipse and flowed through the cannon]

Lina/Star Hanabi: Take this too! [Lina pours most of her energy into the cannon]

Eclipse reverts to his human form before collapsing while Lina caught her brother before hitting the ground in exhaustion.

Sam: Grrrr, LET'S GO!!

Sam fired her cannon blast to the energy bomb giving enough power to push the projectile further. The energy ball is then mixed with both magical and meta-energy as it hits Nuke from the air. He was gonna absorb the blast but took major damage in the process due to not being compatible with magical/divine affinity. This cased him to fall to the floor.

Luna/Thunderdrum: We did it! *pant* Nuke's down baby!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Someone helped us! I sensed it. [Lincoln covers his left eye that is still bleeding out of strain]

Ronnie/Surge: Let me see that eye. [She opens Lincoln's eye as she sees that a cataract is slowly building] Don't ever use that again! You hear me! Stupido!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Until a new eye is implanted on me, I swear I will cease on doing that.

Sam: Luna!!

Luna/Thunderdrum: Sam!? You...

Lina/Star Hanabi: A little help!!

Luna approached her children and Sam.

Luna: Sam? You did this? Look at you!

Sam absorbed energies caused her to have some minor burns not because of overload, but because the last "SHAZAM" overflowed with magical affinity that only some members of the heroes or rogues could control.

Sam: I'll live. I made a promise to you guys right? We're all in this together.

Lina: Where's dad?

Ronnie: Wait what!? HE WAS JUST HERE MINUTES AGO!!

To Luan's location.

Uriel: Damn this demon! How is he getting powerful?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Master! He's a Hexian vessel. Pandora's power flows in him.

Luan/Mystica: Linky, you looked... a little burned out! Seriously!!

Uriel: Wait, Let me see that eye! [She looks at Lincoln's eye.] Here, a little drop of this may help. [Drops Raphael's Holy Water to his eyes and healed the cataract]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Thanks, only holy elements could cure this.

Luan/Mystica: You're saving that!?

Uriel: Your wounds can still be healed with that "pills". This one is a special case.

Irate: Great, more mincemeat for me!!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Your hatred and wrath ends here, Brother!

Irate: You and me... Alone! Let's see who's the stronger brother!!

Luan/Mystica: You can't be serious!?

Uriel: Let him! It's his fight to settle. We only spectate for now. Help him if he asked for it.

Luan/Mystica: Fine, Archangel.

Lincoln and Irate are left alone for a while as they get ready to clash.

Irate: Sorry to end this way, Brother!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Nope, I know you're not!


Irate then blast a enlarging fireball and Lincoln clashed with another fireball. The blasts formed a firewall as the two pyrotic heroes walked near each other. After the firewall vanished, they then started shooting fire waves and orbs at each other only to be canceled by one another. Irate starts to loose his patience as he created a pair of fire wings and shoots multiple fiery feather blades.

Irate: True Phoenix Feathers!!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Flare Crusher-Solar Eclipse!!

Lincoln summoned Camael and together formed beads of Flare Crusher before launching them to the incoming feathers. Lincoln is slowly loosing composure but unwilling to give up to anger, raises his hands as he formed Camael's full form.

Uriel: That's our signal! [readies his spear] Rhitta [Summoned another weapon, an axe] Wrath of Ra!! [raises her axe and spear while forming a Sun-shaped fireball. Uriel then launches the Fireball that splits into a cluster of fire beads.]

Luan/Mystica: Back at you. Impulse Bombardment [Creates a salvo of magic-infused force orbs]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: That's Esca's ability. Then it's my turn! CAMAEL: MEGIDDO! [His full angel form readies a massive fire arrow and fire straight to Irate.]

Irate is unable to take all the salvo of attacks directly and was unable to absorb the flame volley. He then receives damages, enough to finally put him in his place. As Irate was damaged, his face cracks and reveals a second face, one that looked alike to one of the Sefira Archangels: Camael.

Uriel: Your face...

Irate: I was the piece that was removed from Lincoln. But you and Camael replaced it, so why shouldn't look the same as you Archangels. You define me, Camael and Uriel the same this as Lincoln does. We are sibling that makes a bigger and greater whole.

Uriel: If that is the case, then why did you stand against us? You vile demon should have stayed silent instead of aligning with the darkness.

Irate: Don't you get it, I am his darkness. I've stayed silent long enough yet my brother still suffered. Remember the times, brother. The "Protocol", Lori's ignorance, the pranks, all of it, even when we were silenced by the government to cease metahuman activities. The very mistake that took your first wife away. You angels, you and your self-righteous ways, pacifism have blinded you Uriel. Can't you see it!?

Uriel: I didn't...

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I didn't have a choice!

Uriel: Huh? I did not calculate this. Why, apprentice?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: We decide what we are, Irate! I decided to suffer to be strong. Pain is the catalyst, our attitude towards pain is what makes a monster or a man. You hated the pain, you want to be insufferable, to inflict pain to others the same way that they did. Isn't it that fire only makes the embers more fierce? I wanted to help, and I lost my wife because of the human's unwise use of free-will. But even still, I created this regime to control the flame, not to make more of it! I decided this fate! Did you?

Irate: I decided my fate too, you know?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Then you wanted chaos!? What you are is HATRED!?

Irate: That's it! That's what I am.

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Alright, then. Do as you please, but never cross me again!

Irate: Hmph! [Slowly fades into ashes] Only you could fathom my remorse and yet make me smile, Lincoln. [Fades into ashes as his dark aura sank into the bottom.]

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Good eternal riddance, Irate.

Luan/Mystica: Lincoln, I...

Lincoln/Phoenix King: Not another word, Luan.

Uriel: You did good out there student. Which still makes me question as the Archangel of Fire and Knowledge, why? Why the regime?

Lincoln/Phoenix King: The same answer that Camael and I will say during our training days.


Uriel: Brother, why did you chose to be the Archangel of War and Blaze?

Camael aka. Ares/Mars: Why not sister? We angels are the manifestation of good-will and freedom. We are liberated from earthly matters yet we hold to love humanity like what Father asked of us. I chose to be the Angel of War and Blaze to give blazing glory and victory to the righteous. My wrath will only invoke the justice that will vanquish the darkness. That is my role from here on out.

Skip to Lincoln's training at Scala ad Caelum

Uriel: Why the regime?

Lincoln: Why not? We've been heroes ever since, me and my sisters. But nothing's change, bad guys are still out there. I needed a safe and secure place of my son and my soon to be concubines and children. But until I wipe clean the corruption within the government and society, it will still be unsafe. Plus humanity needs control and better use on their freedom to avoid this. It was proven that sweet words alone is not enough, so I have to invoke an iron hand.

Uriel: So you decided to rule over America and eliminate sinners?

Lincoln: It had to be done. Small sacrifice to make harmony existent again. I still believe that there are some who are still repairable, but I will smite those who dare poison the brotherhood of all humanity and metahumans.

Flashback End.

Uriel: Of course, because...

Lincoln & Uriel: Why the heavens not? Hahahaha

Luan/Mystica: You guys are so in sync, it'll make a choir!

Lincoln: Oh shut up, Luan.

Uriel: Hehehehe, no, no, I like angel puns. Secretly, only Aunt Pandora and Big Dad knows it. I guess Camael knows now.

Lincoln: He says it's not so bad. Especially if he sees you smile. [Goes to the exit] Anyways, I have to go. Still have other sisters to help.

Luan/Mystica: Be careful, Linky! Next time, we have a party for your return okay?!

Lincoln/Phoenix King: I had that planned already, at dad's old restaurant! We will reopen the bistro!!

Lincoln then left the area and readies to search within the labyrinth into the third door.

-Chapter End-

Meanwhile Outside the Tower, Kentucky.

Liby/Invisi-girl: Cousin, you alright?

Logan/Knightwing: Yeah, I'm okay. I just felt Master's presence, that's all.

Liby/Invisi-girl: So, how about we fry these chickens?! [points at the flock of Nevermore]

Logan/Knightwing: You know I'm not meta right? How are we gonna roast those birds?

Liby/Invisi-girl: Here! [Uses force field to create a hoverboard] Hop on!

Logan/Invisi-girl: Okay, but follow my plan.

As Logan hopped on and readies his Master's spear, Liby used the hoverboard to take off and attacked the flock of avian monsters. A woman below then looked at them as they drift into the sky.

Maggie/Shadow Mistress: I hope Myth was right. As of now, his angelic blood as not fully awaken.

-Reconnect: Dawn of Injustice-

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