Sakusa Kiyoomi

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Atsumu entered the gym clenching his fist. Anger and frustration was visible in his figure and everyone in the gym noticed it. Especially the Inarizaki players and Sakusa Kiyoomi. He went to his teammates to stretch for the match.

"What happened?" Asked Kita

"She left.... I told her to"

"Is everything ok?"

"For now"

"Where did she go?" Asked Suna

"Kita-san's place I thought grandma can calm her a bit"

"Why did she-" Before Osamu could ask he was interrupted 

"Miya Atsumu I hope you give your 100 percent today because I'm not holding back just because it's a practice match" Said the voice whose owner was none other then Sakusa Kiyoomi

Atsumu turned to face him. He tried his best to hold back and clenched his fist.

"Sakusa Kiyoomi" He muttered in a very shrill voice making shiver  run down the spines of the first year while the others were confused as why is the cocky asshole acting so serious and angry right now. Atsumu blamed Sakusa for Y/n's death

'Only if he didn't faint'

'Only if he wasn't inside the house'

'Only if he was able to save her or called the fire brigade before hand'

'It was him she died for and her confession was her last words.... Only if he would have loved her back'

"I blame you.." He said and Sakusa was confused what he was speaking.

"What?" Atsumu couldn't take it anymore and he rushed to Sakusa and got hold of the collar or his jersey jacket. Sakusa being a germaphobe flinched and got hold of his backpack stripes in anxiety.

"I blame you for her death you scum! Only... Only if you didn't faint or if you called the fire brigade earlier.... Fuck! If you wouldn't have left the phone in the gym. She would have been alive managing your asses...." Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes and he wasn't trying to hold them back. The 1st years were confused but the 2nd and 3rd years of Itachiyama got the hint of whom they were talking about. While Inarizaki boys clearly were angry and shocked listening to what Atsumu said, Sakusa Kiyoomi caused Y/n's death, who was now there invisible friend and teammate, a part of there family.

"How do you know?" Sakusa asked surprised of the details because they weren't written on the newspaper and his team never liked talking about Y/n, there sweetest and one and only manager who was none other then a sister to them. The one girl they loved and respected and promised to protect, the one they failed to protect.

"She even confessed her love to you Sakusa! Those were her fucking last words!" Now this made Sakusa get out of his hold and step back in fear. No one knew that, he kept it to himself because he never got a chance to reply her.

'Kiyo I think I'm going to die now but I want to tell you something before I leave. Never blame yourself for my death ok. I am happy I died saving you, it was worth it because I love you Kiyo. I loved you since the 1st year of middle school and now I died loving you.......' Were what she managed to say before leaving forever and left Sakusa on his own. He never visited her grave due to this. He was too ashamed of himself

'Only if I was able to tell her how I felt....' thought Sakusa.

"How the fuck do you know all this Atsumu?"

"Because she was right here Sakusa. Right in front of you trying to cup your cheeks, feel you. But she couldn't and she cried and was frustrated because you can't see her anymore or feel her presence." Sakusa was shocked and he fall on his knees listening to those words. He didn't know what to believe anymore. 

"I-I felt her presence..." He replied

"If.. If you weren't able... to save her... you could have atleast... returned her love.... she would have been in peace... by now.... if you did..." Atsumu managed to speak in between his sobs. Yes! the best setter was crying, the cocky, rude, self-righteous twin broke in front of everyone for a girl who is dead now.

"I wish I could hold her..... hug her.... comfort her.... tell her it's alright... that she got us... she got me.... wiped her tears..... but I cannot... I'm just haunted by the ghost of her..... I love it though... but it's just painful that when she breaks I can't help her mend..." Atsumu was about to collapse but Kita got hold of him. The rest of the Inarizaki players were too shock from his words and the way he looks especially Osamu. Osamu never saw his twin to break this way. It was so unusual..

"She was here....?" Asked Sakusa who was sobbing by now as well.

Haunted by the Ghost of You.. (Miya Atsumu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now