You won't believe me

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"I can't!" Said Atsumu

"Why?" Asked Osamu

"Because you won't believe me" replied Atsumu


"You won't believe me if I tell you"

"Tell me"

"No!" Osamu sighed

"Fine I swear I'll believe whatever you, say"

"You should tell him" Atsumu looked at her direction, Osamu on the other hand was watching his twin carefully.

"You think so?" He asked Y/n, Osamu was confused as hell by now. She nodded.


"Who the fuck are you talking to?"



"She's a ghost I met in the graveyard. She will be staying with us. Y/n kept me company inside the graveyard and I was chatting with her, I lost track of time and spent more then an hour there. She has been alone all her life and I'm the only person who could see her. So I decided to bring her here with me and in exchange, she will teach me how to study"

" I don't believe you"

"I told you that you won't"

"Tell me which school she used to go to and how she died?"

"She got burnt, that's how she died and about school, well.." He looked at Y/n and asked "Which school did you go to? and what date did you die on?"

"Oh I used to go to Itachiyama and I died on 10th of December"

"Alright!" He looked at Osamu and replied "Itachiyama and she died on 10th of December."

Osamu went out to call someone, he knew people from the mentioned school and one of them was Komori. He got the information from him that Atsumu was right. Atsumu is very bad with dates, it will take less than 5 mins for him to forget any date told to him. That's where Osamu had his suspicion on that maybe, just maybe his brother is telling the truth. That he can actually see her ghost, that she will be staying with them. Osamu did believe in ghost because of the stories he heard from his and Kita's grandmother and Atsumu who never believed in ghosts suddenly is now believing is enough prove for him.

He went to his room where Atsumu and Y/n was.

"Do you believe us now?"


"It's nice to meet you Osamu-san!" Said Y/n

"Oi 'Samu she says 'it's nice to meet ya' and Y/n call him 'samu"

"Oh! Nice to meet you too Y/n. I wish I could see you too but well nevermind. If you want to talk to me feel free to use my useless brother." This made Y/n laugh

"Sure!" She replied

"Hah! What are ya laughing at? And whom ya callin' useless 'Samu? I'm the fucking best setter"

"Ya whatever ya say"

"Fuck off ya both!"

Atsumu introduced her to the rest of the house and Osamu followed him too, to give company to the both. Now Atsumu was lying on his bed inside his room with Y/n sitting on top of his closet.

"Can you read if I write something on the paper?"

"Yah! Why?"

"Oh! We will be going to school tomorrow and you can follow us there. In case if you ask any question I will answer it through writing"

"Good plan"


Osamu and Atsumu got ready for school and were on there way.

"Is she coming with us?"

"Yah! I thought she will get lonely so she can just watch us in school and if she wants to talk I will use my notebook to write her answers"

'Since when did he become so considerate?' Osamu thought to himself 'That also for a girl' He smiled to himself thinking maybe she will be able to change his other twin.


It's been a month Atsumu met Y/n now and they go to school together everyday and even the practice. The VBC boys were witnessing the stranger behaviors of Atsumu for a while now. He sometimes talks to himself and always carries a notebook with him, writing on it out of no where.

Most of his writings were answers to her questions. Like the first day she came to there practice she asked Atsumu-

"Who is this handsome guy next to Suna-san? The one with white hair and black tips?"

Atsumu got his notebook out and started writing

That's Kita Shinsuke, the captain of our team. He is an incredible person but is emotionless and I'm kinda scared of him.

"Oh I was watching him clean everything up a few minutes before"

Yah! He is a clean freak I guess

"He reminds me of someone"




Back to the present. The practice started. The setter who always ignored studies as much as possible (and with studies, writing included, is now always carrying a notebook with him and is found writing something.)

"Oi Atsumu since when did you become so fond of writing? What's wrong with him 'Samu?" Asked Suna to which every player was waiting for an answer.

"Nothing just leave him be. He is failing so that's why he is trying to concentrate" Replied Osamu casually.


"Anyway guys, we are going to my house today to discuss strategies about the next match. Even though it's a practice match we need to win" Said Kita

"OSU!" Everyone replied in unison


At Kita Shinsuke's house:

They were all sitting in the living room, discussing. Y/n followed them there. Kita's grandmother was looking into something very minutely then shrugged it off.

"I will bring some tea for you guys." And she went and came back with the cup of tea after a while. Everyone took there tea and only one cup was left there

"Grandmother you got a cup extra."

"What about the girl? Won't she have tea?" She turned to Y/n's direction and asked "What's your name girl? Are you there new manager?"

Haunted by the Ghost of You.. (Miya Atsumu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now