Temporary Residance

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After driving me back home, The Nova android and I hop out, and the passenger door creaks as I firmly shut it. Rayleigh roll his window down and he leans over to look at me, before glancing back at the redhead wearily.

"Are you sure about this? I can stay if you need me too." I smile softly, tired from the day and I wave.

"I think I'll be good. Plus he kinda helped me out earlier... he looks grumpy but he doesn't have any reason to hurt me." I suddenly chuckle as I think aloud. "He probably won't stay for long anyways."

"Well... if you need me, call me or Shakky. We'll be right on our way."

"Thanks Silver, tell Shakky I said 'hey'... and be careful! People can't seem to drive for nothing these days."

He chuckles as he sits up and starts the engine. "Alright, I will. Goodnight (y/n)..."

I wave goodbye as he drives off and I turn to the humanoid as he crossed his arms as he waits for me. I chuckle weakly and I pull out the remote, as if on instinct he stiffens and slowly I raise my hands as I approach him.

"Easy big guy, I'm just unlocking your collar. A promise is a promise." I reassure as I press the side button and with a light click, the collar comes undone and falls to the dirt ground.

"... You really are a weirdo..." he mumbles as he looks down in surprise and I pout.

"And you're just a cup full of sunshine.." I retort and I sigh. "You're free to do what you want. Leave, stay, it's up to you... Although, it's late and unless you know someone else around here, you don't have many places you can bunker down for a bit."

He looks at me thoughtfully as I say that and I turn to my house and unlock the front door. "You're welcome to stay for the night, at least. You can rest and figure out where you're gonna go from here. But it's up to you."

Noticing that I wasn't waiting for his decision to go inside, he glances at me before I turn back to the house. Just as I take a step inside, his large hand lands on the doorframe, and I feel him leaning over me, surprised that I could feel a light warm breeze from his breath as he spoke.

"Fine... But don't think this means you can order me around."

Acting calm, I smile as I turn to him. "Wasn't my intention to begin with."

As we walk in, I begin to show him around, just so he can feel a bit more at ease. The whole time he eyes the house and I quizzical and with a plastered frown. Just as I finished the grand tour, I remember the spare mattress in the attic  and I turn to him.

"Hey! Um... what's your name?"


"Well, I was wondering if you have a name? While you're here, it would be nice to be able too call you something other than using, 'hey you!'." I blush suddenly and for some unknown reason I become somewhat flustered as he looks at me.

"... Eustass Kid." He answers uninterested, yet all the same I smile as I find the name somehow suits him.

"I'm (y/n ) (l/n), but you can call me (y/n)! Kid, if it's alright with you, do you mind helping me with this spare mattress?" I ask as I point to the upstairs attic. "I tried to get it down earlier but.."

He looks down at my arm and I smile awkwardly, and he simply goes up the stairs in silence. I wait politely as I hear his heavy footsteps and the light creak of springs as he picks up the mattress, before descending down the steps.

"You know androids don't need sleep, right?" He asks as he carries it to the living room and sits it down on the floor where the coffee table had been.

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