The Amazon

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The group had found a place for themselves around the forest. Druig and y/n had headed back to their hut, trying to process everything they had just heard. They both knew what the right choice was in this no matter what emotions got in the way but they had lived in comfort for so long it was hard to accept that everything was changing once again. 

It seemed as though tonight was going to be a quiet night until y/n started getting that feeling again, something was wrong. "Druig!" She called him but before she could say anything else they heard screams from outside. 

"IKARIS! IKARIS!" They heard Sersei's voice. 

"Deviants." y/n ran out ready to fight. Kingo was fighting against a deviant, Sprite and Sersei behind him. 

"TODOS CORRAN!" y/n yelled to the community trying to get everyone to flee, to get to safety. 

Kingo blasted a deviant that was running towards y/n onto one of the huts. Y/n setting it on fire. 

Karun had remained out in the open wanting to capture every moment with his cameras. This was exactly Druig was talking about, y/n thought to herself. "Sprite get Karun out of here!" Kingo ordered her as the deviant had gotten back up. 

y/n was ready to help Kingo when a second deviant had appeared in front of a crowd of humans. "Kingo!" y/n hollered at Kingo letting him know he was on his own. 

"Go! I've got this one." Kingo yelled letting her know it was okay for her to go. 

"SERSEI GET THEM IN THE CHAPEL!" y/n hollered at Sersei who was helping the humans get to safety. 

y/n created branches from the trees wrapping them around the deviant and trying to buy Sersei some time. She was about to create another branch to rip the deviant in half when yet another deviant appeared, knocking her into a tree. 

She tried to quickly get up but the deviant had pinned her down, extending one of its tentacles ready to kill her. "DRUIG!" she hollered just as the humans had begun firing at the deviant with their weapons. 

The deviants attention was now drawn to them as he swung his tail sending a couple of them flying. But his claws still kept y/n trapped. y/n watches as Druig slid over the deviant dodging its tail before grabbing one of the guns. 

"Boost!" He hollered at y/n. 

She created steps for Druig to boost up and land on the deviants back, firing at his neck and finally causing him to release his grip on y/n setting her free. In one quick swift motion, Druig rolled over to y/n helping her up and getting her beside him where y/n was able to finally position herself, creating a spike off the ground that pierced the deviant right through its body. 

Another deviant was headed our way but Sersei was taking care of this one. "WATCH OUT!" y/n hollered grabbing Druig and pulling him away with her, a tree falling onto the deviant seconds later killing it. 

"LET THEM GO!" Sersei scolded Druig for using the humans. 

"This isn't the time Sersei." y/n knew Druig had only used them because of what was happening to her. 

"Please, I'm asking you, you're better than this." Sersei reasoned with him. 

Druig turned to y/n, as if to make sure she would be fine, he wasn't able to do much more to protect her. "It's okay, let them go." y/n gave him his approval. The humans lowered their weapons, set free from his control. 

"Druig, y/n what's happening?" They were confused. 

"Run! To the river!" Druig hollered at them and they reluctantly did as told. 

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