575 BC Babylon

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The deviants hunted the Eternals but had no problems with destroying anything that got in their paths. 575 BC Babylon, the group's new home for the moment. It was under attack just as suspected.

"Let's go!" Ikaris asked the usual 6 to join him in the fight flying off ahead of everyone else.

"Duty calls." y/n threw a wink at her best friend.

"Try not to die will you?" Druig chewed on a piece of bread.

"I'll try my best." y/n answered him as she created a gust of wind picking the rest of the team up off the ground and taking them with her towards the fight, not without making sure a cloud of dust surrounded Druig as she did.

The team began fighting once more, Ikaris using his eyes to blast energy at the deviants, Makkari using her super speed and strength to finish them off, Thena her strength and weapons to cut them up, Gilgamesh his weapons, Kingo his finger guns as Kingo and y/n liked to call them, y/n making sure all humans remained protected in any way she found possible.

"y/n!" Thena yelled at her friend indicating her need for a boost.

Y/n diverted her attention from a deviant she was fighting herself to boost Thena with a gust of air allowing her to jump high and onto a deviant where she was able to cut its neck. Once y/n's attention was back to her very own deviant it was quickly approaching. Making sure she had the space, y/n created several spikes to emerge from the ground piercing every inch of the deviant's body.

"Alright, seems our work is done here." Kingo dusted his hands off as they all gathered in a circle but it seemed as though there was a deviant that still had some fight left in it.

Just as everyone was prepared to finish it off Gilgamesh beat everyone to it giving it one last hard fatal blow.

"Ok let's head back." y/n shrugged to Makkari seeing no more reason to stay under the scorching sun.

"Race you?" Makkari signed to y/n.

"Give me a couple day's head start." y/n signed back to her friend earning a laugh.

"Take me with you." Makkari signed, she liked when y/n flew them around, made her feel like she was floating.

"I'm coming with, that was exhausting." Kingo stepped beside y/n and Makkari.

"Alright anyone else?" y/n asked the rest of the group.

"We'll walk." Gilgamesh answered for both Thena and him.

"I'll fly." Ikaris winked.

y/n nodded as she lifted herself, Makkari, and Kingo off the ground and pushing them forwards towards the domo which was inside a gate where they were residing.

Druig was upfront, still eating and waiting for the group to get back. "Was that fun?" He asked as y/n placed everyone on the ground.

"Pretty fun, sucks for you." Makkari signed to Druig. y/n was always jealous of the relationship Druig and Makkari had, she knew that's the way she wanted Druig to look at her, but it didn't make y/n angry, she understood how Druig fell for someone like Makkari, with such a beautiful spirit.

Makkari then ran off. y/n walked forward snatching the piece of bread from Druig's hand. "That's mine." Druig followed after her. Before y/n could take a bite Kingo walked past her snatching the bread from her hand this time.

"Hey! That was Druig's." She shrugged earning a laugh from Kingo.

"You deserved that." Druig crossed his arms behind his back as he always did.

"We're breadless." y/n sighed defeated.

"Let's go get some more, Ajak is talking to Arishem." Druig led the way to some more food.

Arishem the judge, a celestial, the leader of all four celestial hosts on earth. Ajak was the only one who could talk to him thanks to the sphere in her chest, meaning she was chosen by Arishem to lead the Eternals.

Druig and y/n had always had their doubts about Arishem's plans, sometimes daring to question Ajak on the moral aspect of their decisions, but ultimately they chose to trust, trust Ajak for centuries waiting for the bigger plan to unfold.

After getting some more food Druig and y/n headed back to the ship, Druig sat on a ledge and y/n did the same, Druig lifting his leg up to rest it on y/n's legs. The pair began munching on their food, exchanging pieces every once in a while.

"Phastos did you go the party last night like I told you?" Ajak's voice was heard as she entered the room.

Phastos was creating another machine in the center. "The party? pfft yeah." He replied.

"Not true." y/n hollered.

"He was working all night." Druig joined in on the snitching.

"No one asked you." They both giggled as Phastos glared at them.

He began explaining the motor machine to Ajak, as they all listened. "That's gonna scare them." Sprite commented.

"They've only had the wheel for what 1000 years? so..." Druig confirmed his timing with y/n and she nodded in agreement as they both walked forward.

"How about you try that thing that you do where you control people's minds and you make them evolve?" Phastos suggested to Druig.

"Ajak are you hearing this?" y/n and Druig asked to her at the same time.

Ajak put an end to it and Phastos created a plow to plow the earth. "I could do that." y/n commented.

But before Phastos could begin arguing with her Sersei had arrived and she started chatting with Ajak.

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