After that day in Tenochtitlan, the group had separated, Ajak letting them live for the first time in years, now that the deviants had been destroyed. Sersei was a teacher London, Sprite was living with her, Kingo a Bollywood star in Mumbai, Phastos had made a family for himself, Thena and Gilgamesh were living in the desert far from any human life, Makkari had remained in the ship, Druig and y/n lived in the woods, Ikaris and Ajak were still working together to follow Arishem's plans.
Sersei and Sprite had been attacked by a deviant in London, Ikaris had flown in, in time to help them defeat it but it seemed as though it had grown stronger, possessing powers similar to those of Ajak who could heal herself. The three had driven to Ajak's location to ask for help, knowing that if the deviants were back then they had to get the team back together.
But once they got to Ajak's home they were shocked to find that she had been killed by a deviant, the sphere with which she used to communicate with Arishem passing onto Sersei. Sersei was able to speak to Arishem for a few seconds before she was pulled back to reality. It was time for them to find the rest of the Eternals and warn them before it was too late and they were also attacked by deviants.
They began by picking up Kingo in Mumbai, who brought Karun his assistant with him. They then continued on to find Gilgamesh and Thena, it looked as though Thena was still having trouble controlling her violent outbursts, but Gilgamesh had found a way. There Sersei was able to find a way to communicate with Arishem again where she found out about his plan of the destruction of the world. Time was against them now and they had to find the rest of the group fast. The next people they were looking to find were Druig and y/n in the Amazon.
Y/n POV:
Druig and I were in the hut messing around in the kitchen. I took a small deep breath, dropping the cutlery I was holding in my hands.
"What's wrong?" Druig walked over to my side putting his hand on my back.
"They're here, the team," I told him.
"How d'you know?" He asked.
"I can feel it." it was odd, I was never able to feel the earth like this before.
"Okay, wait here." He asked me putting his robe on.
I nodded. I knew he just wanted to know what they wanted, and I knew he would be safe so it didn't worry me that he wanted to go out alone.
"Hello everyone, come in, make yourselves at home." I heard Druig after opening the doors.
"Is y/n here with you?" I heard Kingo's voice.
"Yeah, she's with me." Druig turned to me gesturing with his head for me to come.
I walked over to the group now in sight. "Hello everyone." I stood next to Druig, he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"y/n!" Sprite ran over to hug me.
"Hey Sprite, it's nice to see you." I smiled down at her.
"So are you two finally a thing?" Sersei smirked.
Druig and I turned to look at each other smiling. "Why don't you come in? I'll get you guys some food and water." I told them. Druig and I didn't answer their question and simply walked in, they followed behind us.
Everyone sat down then Druig and I went to the front of the room leaning against the table.
"Ajak's dead." That was the first thing Sersei said.
"What?" I teared up immediately.
"She was killed by a deviant." Sersei continued. I shed a few tears for Ajak, it didn't matter that we had our differences, both Druig and I had always held a special place in our hearts for Ajak.
Sersei explained to us what she had found out for Arishem and what their plan was so far, about how they were trying to get the team back together and it looked like they were succeeding, the only people missing now were Makarri and Phastos.
"You've given us a lot of bad news in one-day m'lady." Druig spoke to Sersei.
"You guys will come right?" Sersei asked us. Before we could reply her phone started ringing. I kept getting distracted by this guy I didn't recognize holding a camera and filming us. Druig noticed my discomfort.
"You guys remember this place, don't you? It's beautiful, and the last place we all lived together." Druig had walked forward, I stayed seated on the table. "We've protected these people for over 20 generations, from the outside world and themselves." he walked in front of the guy holding the camera. "Your kind my friend, will be responsible for their own extinction someday. Don't you think?"
"We have to learn from our mistakes and be better sir. You shouldn't lose hope." The man began answering but I then saw as Druig took control of him making him throw his camera onto the wall, destroying it.
"Druig." I got his attention and he smiled letting me know he wouldn't do it again.
"That's enough, we don't take control of other's people assistants." Kingo defended his assistant stepping up to Druig.
"Where's your sense of humor Kingo?" Druig didn't budge.
"I'm sorry sir." The man apologized.
"Don't apologize, it wasn't your fault." Kingo let him know. "You're not a god." Kingo spoke to Druig again. It seemed as though things were getting tense until they started talking about youtube views.
"We don't need them, he's just wasting our time." Ikaris grew impatient. Ikaris and Druig had always had this unspoken tension between them, which then reciprocated to me when I decided to leave with Druig that night in Tenochtitlan.
"Ikaris!" Druig turned his attention to him. "I missed you, have you come to enchant me? Threaten me?" Druig was calm despite everything.
"I have a third option if you prefer it." Ikaris threatened him.
"That's enough." I got up walking in between the two.
"Must've hurt not being mommy's favorite." Druig mocked him.
"Druig this is serious!" Sersei stepped in.
"I'll tell you what's serious!" Druig walked over to her. "You're telling me that we've been on a suicide mission for the past 7000 years and that our existence has been nothing but a lie. So excuse me if for now, I don't care for your plans Sersei." Druig took my hand pulling me back to the hut with him.

For Eternity (Druig x Reader)
Fanfictiony/n is known as one of the Eternals, fighting alongside them for centuries, protecting the earth for a bigger purpose. y/n has a lot of love for everyone, they've become family after so long, but then there's him, someone y/n knows means far more to...