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(y/n) was woken up by sally shaking their shoulder, opening their eyes they cringed at the sunlight as they pulled their head off the window. looking around in a sleepy dazed state they rubbed their face with a deep inhale "come on, we're here" sally backed away from them, exiting the van to join everyone else. after waking up fully they followed after her, blinking away the tears that were caused by the bright sun,  they looked around. there wasn't much, just a dry lawn and an overgrown, slightly fallen-in, stone house.

they faintly heard talking beside them, looking over they saw the man in jean holding a rag talking to franklin. he tossed the rag to franklin and started walking away "hey you don't think that guy will try and follow us, do ya?" "what for?" franklin took the piece of food out of his mouth and began spitting slightly.

kirk turned, bored with franklin's paranoia, he started walking away before slowing to a stop thinking back to what jerry said in the van "(y/n)..uh you coming?" they hummed in confusion at suddenly being called before nodding following after him, not knowing what else to do " kirk..." franklin trailed off seeing that he was now alone, both (y/n) and kirk out of eyesight.

"Hey, um I know we're not..close..but I just wanted to make sure you were alright" (y/n)' s (e/c) eyes moved off the dirt-covered floor and onto the brunette who was looking at them with an awkward expression "what do you mean?" "well, you just seem...tired, I just want to know if anything's wrong, man" (y/n) stared at him, confused on how to respond.

they honestly didn't know how they felt, their brain a numb buzz due to the confusing and horrifying situation they had found themself in, though they couldn't just pour out their confusion to this guy who looked at them like they had two heads when they first woke up "I'm fine" he stared at them, even they sounded unsure of their answer "listen, I'm serious (y/n), you can tell me if you're not feeling well" "kirk! come on upstairs!" he looked towards the staircase looking back at (y/n), uncertain on how to end this conversion without sounding like an ass "you can go.." he flashed them a slight smile, petting them on the shoulder "cool, thanks man" with that he started making his way towards the sound of his girlfriend calling him.

wondering around the back of the house (y/n) swung a stick back and forth through the grass to avoid stepping on any critters that may be hiding in the thick weeds. it had been a few hours since they had arrived at this weird house and all they'd done is wondered around outside. partly because they didn't want to be with the strange people and partly because they didn't know what to do, it reminded them of being forced to go to their cousins' birthday parties and awkwardly sitting off to the side as the other kids ran around and played. they weren't sure what was happening, whether this was a dream or something else was completely out of their mind for the time being, though whatever it was, it sure was being up old memories.

"(y/n)! (y/n)- oh there you are," sally jogged around the corner of the house, smiling once she caught sight of them "have you seen kirk and pam? they went swimming a few hours ago but they still haven't gotten back" "no, I haven't seen them" sally's smile dropped and she sighed, looking back towards the front yard where jerry and franklin were waiting for her "well can you come to the front yard so we can figure out what to do? I'm getting worried" "..yeah..sure" tossing the stick into the grass they followed after sally as she led them towards the van.

"he's going to get you, franklin. he's coming to get you" (y/n) rolled their eyes as the curly-haired man teased franklin "you don't think it means anything?" "we'll protect you if he tries to get you." at least someone in this group of people is empathetic to his fears, they may not know who he is but at least they weren't an asshole about his paranoia "I'll bet it's about me." franklin said as he rolled towards the open van door "he's going to kill you, franklin" "it probably don't mean anything, huh?" "you worry too much." "well, he couldn't find us anyway. I mean, he doesn't even know our names." "I gave him your name, franklin. I told him where you live. I even gave him your zip code. he's going to kill you." "jerry. what are you doing!" sally exclaimed as franklin dug through the van "I can't find my knife." "That knife won't do you any good, he likes that knife, remember?" "When did you have it last?" franklin tilted his head in thought, realization appearing on his face after a second.

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