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their throat burned as did their best to calm their breathing and not cry as panic started setting in, this had to be a dream "you okay (y/n)?" their eyes darted around the van before landing on a man in a wheelchair "franklin leave them alone! they're carsick and need to rest" how'd he know their name? who were these people? "do you need any water (y/n)?" "what going on? where am I!" everyone in the van seemed to give a concerned and confused glance towards them before going back to whatever they were doing, except for the blonde girl and the man in the wheelchair "we're going to check on my granddaddy's grave, don't you remember?" "no! who the hell are you, people!?"

once again the other two people looked at them, this time not looking away and the man driving kept taking glances in the rearview mirror when possible "(y/n), is this some kind of joke?-" she leaned closer to them, putting her hand up their upper arm in a comforting manny "-did you forget to take your medicine?"

medicine? what medicine? what the hell was happening? they must've fallen asleep during their lunch break! that has to be it, this is all a weird lucid dream caused by long hours and overworking themselves, there's no other reasoning behind it "i-" "sally it's probably just the heat, (y/n) why don't you drink some water?"

if was a dream maybe they should just play along? they've never had a dream this lucid before though. they were brought out of their confused thoughts as the driver pulled up to an old graveyard "I'm gonna go ask about my granddaddy, why don't you stay in the van and try to calm down (y/n)" four of the people climbed out of the van, leaving them alone with the man in the wheelchair. he took one more glance at them before wheeling forwards "things happen hereabout, that they don't tell about haha I see things..you see they say it's just an old man talking. you laugh at an old man. there's them that laughs and knows better" they heard an old cracky voice say as he rolled his chair back, his eyes glancing at them before back at whoever was talking.

"yes, they're sure. the man said they could tell if the grave had been dug up. franklin, don't worry I saw it myself. it didn't look dug up to me" franklin finally taking sally's reassurance and decided not to push the thought of his grandfather's grave being vandalized. the van fell into silence after that, before the smell of rotten flesh burned the inside of their noses 

"oh, what's that!" "what smells?" sally and the girl sitting next to (y/n) said in dismay, both bringing their hands up to their noses in an attempt to block the smell out "what is that stench?" (y/n) was all too familiar with that smell due to years their years of work, that was the hot sun causing the decaying process to move more rapidly "roll up the windows" the man sitting in the back quickly moved to shut the windows, despite the fact the smell was already inside and the best move would probably be to keep them open to help air it out faster, but (y/n) was still confused and frighted so they decided to keep their thoughts to themself and just use their shirt's collar to block most the smell out.

"Hey, that's the old slaughterhouse!. that's where grandpa used to sell his cattle. hey, we got an uncle that works at one of those places outside of Ft. worth. hey, you see those buildings there? that's where they kill them, they bash in the head with a big sledgehammer" (y/n) looked out the window, frowning as they thought of their great uncle's cattle. he never used them for meat stock, mostly just milk, he used to always try to get (y/n) to come over and help out during the summer...maybe they'll call him when they wake up "oh, that's awful!" "it usually wouldn't kill 'em on the first lick" they were brought back to the present conversion by franklin adding more charming details to his story, looking away from the window with a sigh before glancing out the one closest to them "I mean, they'd start squealing and freaking out and everything, and they'd have to come back and bash 'em two or three times. and then sometimes it wouldn't kill them. I mean, they would skin them sometimes even before they were even dead." "oh, that's horrible. people shouldn't kill animals for food" 

"well, they don'to it like that anymore. now they got this big air gun that shoots a bolt into their skull and then retracts it. it's just boom! it does boom! and boom!" "franklin, I like meat. please change the subject" finally someone voiced the words that (y/n) had been thinking since this whole conversion started, they felt a wave of relief at the thought of the grime subject being dropped "that's terrible, but it's still going on" "oh, man, it's hot in here." franklin moved on from the subject, moving on to his state of discomfort before pulling out his knife to pick at his fingernails, though (y/n) couldn't blame him for complaining about the heat, they felt like they were about to melt. 

"hitchhiker" "should we pick him up?" pick him up? don't they know how dangerous that is? "oh, yeah, man, pick him up, he'll asphyxiate out there." "what does he look like" these people are insane! "the hell does it matter what he looks like!? it doesn't matter if he's the best-looking man alive! picking up random people is dangerous!" (y/n) wasn't sure why they decided to talk now, something in their gut just told them to not let the man near them "the son of a bitch is going to smell just like the slaughterhouse." did everyone just ignore them? "oh, give the guy a break. he can sit by franklin and (y/n)." they shot a slight glare at sally as she laughed at her own teasing, man these people were dumb "oh he's weird looking. "pick him up, man" "no!" 

something about everything was starting to seem familiar to (y/n), almost like a bad case of deja vu, as the van pulled over and they opened the door for him. (y/n) moving as far away as possible, though that wasn't too far considering they got stuck in between franklin, the guy in all denim, and his girlfriend sitting behind them "well, I think we just picked up Dracula." they glanced at franklin before looking back at the sweaty hitchhiker. something deep in (y/n)'s gut was telling them whoever this man was or whatever he does, it sure was up there with Dracula. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
•word count:1143•

(an update? from sterling? that's a first lol. this was going to be longer, in fact, I typed out a lot more than this but I wanted to pace the story a little, also I'm going to try to make the reader more realistic in their reaction to what's happening so they'll definitely be freaked out for the first few movies I do but I'm going to make it to where it doesn't seem/feel super repetitive. anyways I hope you liked this! and if you didn't please don't tell me, I have low self-esteem. have a groovy night/day)

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