Gripping his mystery novel tightly in fear, Hannover took one timid step out into the hallway. But right then, he felt a presence behind him, and icy fingers closed around his arm. With a horrible start and a stifled shriek, Hannover threw his book down and spun around.

Tim's concerned eyes shined up at him. "Mr. Hannover, what's'a matter?" he whispered.

The man clapped both hands on the boy's shoulders, feeling shaky and nervous but happy to see a trustworthy face.

"T-T-Timothy," he stammered, only breathing the word, "some low, detestable criminal is stealing through the house! Look, lad! Look!"

He pointed in an animated way down the hall, and Timothy followed his direction with wide eyes. The boy looked just in time to see the candlelight disappear around a corner. His heart gave a mighty thump.

"'At's just what I seen t'other night!" he quavered.

Hannover's frantic mind tried to form some kind of a plan. "I have to do something," he plotted aloud. "This cannot go on! Whatever mischief this unwelcome prowler is about, it must end! Stay here. No! On second thought," he added in cowardice, "you had better come along!"

Clinging to each other in terror, they ventured out into the hall. Hannover wasn't sure if he was leading Timothy or if Timothy was leading him. He still had a hand on both of the boy's shoulders, and Tim was walking just a little bit in front.

Down the hall and around the corner they went. The candle light glowed and then disappeared around another bend.

"Where could the blasted villain be heading?" Hannover whispered in his errand boy's ear. They walked on and turned down the next passageway. But now, the light was nowhere to be seen. Hannover's blood ran cold.

Ambush! It's an ambush! he thought dramatically. Any second now, the brute is going to leap out of nowhere and attack!

But Timothy had other ideas. "I know where he's goin'," he breathed in fearful understanding. "This is the same hall I followed 'im down last time! Come on, Mr. Hannover, it's this way!"

Feeling braver with his master beside him, Timothy walked forward and followed his memory through the corridors until he knew he was close. It was then that they saw the light once more, shining beneath the door which led to the gallery.

"This is just 'ow I saw it," Tim whispered in a haunting tone. "Only, as soon as I went inside, there weren't no man t' be seen, just the candle sittin' in the middle o' the room!"

Hannover shuddered and gulped. "He must be in there," he said. "I think you had better...No! No, I had better! I must confront this rogue right here and now! Timothy, stay where you are!"

His skin crawled as he tiptoed to the half-shut door. He almost expected to find an empty room with an abandoned candlestick sitting inside. But as he gently moved the door open, he saw a tall man with broad, stooping shoulders and silver hair.

With slow, careful movements, the suspect moved down the long, decorated hall. His candle waved from side to side. Its light touched picture frames, statues, and paintings on all sides. Then the man halted as if struck by a sudden revelation.

"What have we here?" his deep voice whispered. It echoed down the long room, sounding terribly ominous. Then the man in the gallery walked to a small china vase and lifted it in his hands.

Hannover's heart leapt. That is my most expensive vase! he shrieked inside. And he is about to spirit it away!

He couldn't let it happen. He wouldn't! There went an antique worth hundreds of pounds smuggled off by the hands of a thief. It was Hannover's vase. Hannover's money. With frantic boldness, he suddenly burst into the room.

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