Chapter 4 [New Owner]

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Head Priest: She is reborn.

Marcus: What? How is that possible?

Head Priest: She was special because he was not any ordinary human. She was your mate, a mate of a supernatural creature. And do you remember the rejection process was left incomplete before her dying, it is because of this. If the rejection process was cancelled or completed, this wouldn't has happened. The rejection process was left uncompleted. So, to complete that process she is reborn again. This time the rejection must be completed, either accept or reject her rejection.

Marcus: I can't leave her. She is my mate, my other half. I will try my best to win heart again.

I immediately mind linked my beta and asked him to collect all information about Y/N. This time I won't let her go away from me. You are MINE and always be Mine. I will try my best to will your heart back and for it I need to be close to you.

Time Skip [ Next Day]

Y/N P.O.V.

Today is holiday!!! Finally, so I'll take some fresh air. I went to park and was enjoying my day when I saw that crazy man from yesterday. I thought to turn back before he notice me but failed because he already noticed me the second I stepped inside. Well I hope for no drama.

Marcus P.O.V

Marcus: Hey! Can I talk to you for a minute?

Y/N: (in mind: No, I don't want to) Yeah sure, what do you want to talk about?

Marcus: I wanted to apologies for my misbehavior I did yesterday. Actually I was so stressed about some things and so I was not having control over my emotions.

Y/N: Oh,um.... I'm also sorry for my rude behavior. I shouldn't have kicked your car.

Marcus: So now can we-

Y/N: Hey! Wait a minute. How do you know I live here?

Marcus: Um... yesterday we meet near this place and this park is so beautiful so I thought I should take a little walk and after sometime I saw you.

Y/N: Oh Okay.

Marcus: I sorry to leave our conversation to leave in between but I need to go because I have to attend a very important meeting.

Y/N: Oh it's okay, even I needed to go. Hope we meet again.

Marcus: Sure, Bye.

Y/N: Bye.


After talking with him I was returning to my apartment when I got a call from my hospital. I quickly picked it up.

Y/N: Hello?

On other line: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Lia? Hey, how are you? Why did you called me so suddenly? I was on leave today, right?

Lia: Yeah but you need to come here because a patient survived a complicated surgery and now he is under your supervision so you need to check him right now.

Y/N: Okay, I am coming.

With that I ended the call and headed towards hospital. After 2 hours I completed my work and was coming out when my friend came to me.

Lia: Hey, do you know our the new owner of our hospital is here?

Y/N: New owner? Who is it?

Lia: Come with me.

I was about to say when she dragged me with her. Well that's nothing new. A lot of crowd was gathered around the entrance and there stood a man dressed up in whole black. He looked kinda familiar. I came closer to him and stood shocked to see him.

My Human MateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz