chapter, 2 dinner

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I sat and watched Jay and Nya. Nya had challenged Jay to a mech building competition to see who could build the best mech on spare parts. Both being genuises with stuff like that, it was interesting to watch them fight over the parts. We all watched as they continued to build, arguing. Fight over a part, laugh it off and then continue. It was cycle but it definitely was an entertaining one to watch. Even Wu was out of his room sitting and drinking tea Watching the drama infront of us. I looked down at my phone as it started to ring. I walked away from the group and answered. "Hey babe?" I asked picking up. I heard Skylars voice chirp on the other end of the phone. "hey love! I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me?!" Skylar questioned. I looked over at Nya and Jay. I had no doubt this day is a day we would remember. One of our favorite days. Everyone is home for once and hanging out. I sighed. "Sorry Skylar. I'm kinda busy with something."  I muttered. She grew upset. "What could you possibly be busy with that you have no time to come see me?" She wined. I sighed "Skylar you know I have a busy job. I won't always be free." I stated. She scoffed. "Yeah right. You just don't want to hang out with me do you? Am I really that bad you won't come hang with me?" She pouted. "NO, NO, NO, NO!" I exclaimed. "Its not you Skylar, I'm genuinely just really busy right now." I said glancing over to Nya and Jay. She continued to wine. I sighed. "Fine... how about this... I'll come over and spend the night with you once I'm done with this." I stated calmly now feeling guilty for trying to skip on a chance to hang out with her. I heard a small squeal. "That works!" She exclaims. I gave her a small laugh. "Alright love. I'll see you soon." I stated. She laughed. "Can't wait!" She exclaimed. I hung up and sighed. Standing there for a moment before heading back over to the others. "What was that?" Cole questioned me. I gave him a small smile. "Oh. It was Skylar. Asking if I could spend the night with her. Don't worrie too much about it." I stated. Cole nodded. "So you won't be home tonight." Zane stated. I nodded. He smiled. "One less to cook for." He stated. I gave a small laugh. "Yeah."

I closed my car door, holding onto my stuff for the night. I dont fully know why she chose tonight out of all nights but whatever. I sighed as I made my way upstairs. Tired from the long day. After hours of fighting Nya beat Jay with a slight difference in her mech that he didn't have. I expected that outcome. Once I got up to Skylars apartment. I knocked on the door, she opened it quite quickly with a big smile. "Yay! You made it! Come in, I have dinner on the table!" She exclaimed. I gave her a smile. "Thats great!" I exclaimed walking into the house and pulling off my shoes. She lead me over to the table, on it was a nice pasta dinner. I wasint too surprised, after all her father did own the biggest noodle house in the world. "Oh wow. Looks nice." I exclaimed as we walked over. "Its somen noodles with snap peas and radish!" She exclaimed. "One of my favorite dishes at my father's noodle shop." She continued. I nodded. "I'm personally not a big fan of radish but ill give it a try." I muttered calmly. She gave me this... I dont know how describe her smile. It was like she was trying not to snap at me. "Oh that's fine. You can avoid the radishes if needed." She said through her teeth. I instantly felt guilty knowing she slaved over the dish only for me to critique it. "No! No! No! Ill eat it! I didn't mean to offend you..." I panicked. She gave me another smile. "Its fine. I'm used to it." She mumbled. I frowned. "Sorry... I'm such a dick..." I mumbled to myself. She nodded. "Its fine. If I didn't know that about you already, that would be insane since we've been friends for so long!" She exclaimed. I continued to frown before looking down at the meal and taking a bite out of it. "Sorry for comming so late, I got called on a small mission before I got here." I said after swallowing the first bite. She nodded in response. "Oh I figured. Your always doing something." She muttered. I nodded. We continued to eat in silence. I poked around at the dish noticing this slight odd taste. "What else did you put  in this?" I questioned looking at the dish. "Nothing else really. Why do you ask?" She questioned. "Nothing against you but, something tastes off. I've had your dish like this before and it didn't taste like this." I muttered quietly. She looked at me oddly. "You sure your tastebuds are not messed up?" She questioned. "Because I put everything i usually do in this dish and cooked it like I normally do." She said in response. I looked down. "Maybe it is my tatsebuds." I muttered. She came over to me, putting her hand on my head. "You sure your not sick?" She questioned. I brushed her hand off. "I feel fine." I stated. She nodded and came back over to her food. We both finnished eating in silence before going over to the couch and watching a movie. I sat next to Skylar as she cuddled with me. My vision going blurry at points in time however I ignored it until I started to feel dizzy and faint. "H-hey love, I think I need a glass of water." I muttered as I put my hand on my head. She looked at me with a concerned face. "Are you sure your feeling alright?" She asks feeling my forehead again. "Im- I'm starting to feel lightheaded." I mumbled. She nodded still keeping the concerned face. "Here lay down. I'm going to get your water and something to help you."
She said. I nodded starting to black out.
I saw a small smile appear on Skylars face as she spoke. "Dont worrie. Ill take good care of you love."

Chapter two done! YAY

Simple and easy chapter.

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