Chapter 9

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"M-Mr. Stark?" He whispered, eyes large beneath his mask. He was almost afraid to breathe, scared that if he did, if he made any movements, it would prove to be a dream and that his mentor wasn't standing right in front of him, protecting him. "Is that really you?"

Mr. Stark turned his head again, his smile, though strained, was still as blinding as ever.

"In the flesh, kiddo." Tears sprung to Peter's eyes and his bottom lip trembled, though no one could see it through the mask. Tony, as if knowing his reaction, kissed his teeth. "Look, Underoos, I know you're probably emotional right now but we have a problem on our hands. We can talk and hug it out later, okay?"

Peter realized his mentor was right and nodded, willing the tears to dry.

"Right," he coughed, clearing his throat, slightly cracked through the voice modulator. "Let's do this." Tony nodded.

"Alright. Get out of the way." He did, tumbling to his right while Tony went left, letting the sentinel's blast hit the wall, essentially destroying it.

"Is Dr. Strange with you?"

"Right here, spider boy," a voice said, just appearing out of nowhere. He jumped about ten feet in the air and came to face said doctor, who had a shit eating grin on his face.

"I hate you." The genius tsked.

"Is that any way to talk to your father?" Peter sputtered a bit.

"'re not my dad?" Tony feigned a hurt look.

"Dear, listen to that," he simpered at Stephen, who rolled his eyes, "'You're not my father,' he says. The utter betrayal!" The spider vigilante snorted.

"I see your dramatics haven't stopped." The billionaire harrumphed.

"Never!" A loud whistle pierced the air and the three men turned to look at a seething Damian Wayne.

"Hey! We need some help over here! Cease your chattering!"

"Oh yeah," Peter was sheepish, "the robot." Tony sighed and his husband rolled his shoulders, wincing at the cracks.

"Are you helping out?" The question was directed at Loki, who only smirked.

"Of course not," is all he says before he disappears like he was never there before. The three paused for a moment.

'That tracks,' Peter thinks as he sighed in exasperation.

"Yeah. We can talk later." They rushed towards the fight, great smiles on their faces as they fought together, finally reunited after a long time apart.


They were losing.

It's not like the odds were against them, but they were losing somehow. Peter thinks it's because of the reinforcements that the Joker called when he flew away. He groaned.

"Getting tired, sweetheart?" Slade panted next to him, fighting off three men at the same time, each with their own weapons. Peter grimaced in his suit. The sentinel had been long defeated but now, there were just troves and troves of people in clown masks, laughing like the Joker as they attacked Peter's team.

"Not even-" Tony's voice cut into their short conversation.

"Excuse me, what did you just call the kid?" His tone was accusatory and highly unamused. Slade didn't answer and walked away, two goons hanging underneath his arms and the other one over his shoulder. More men came at him, maximum of two but when you were as huge as Slade, with the amount of muscle mass he has, everyone kind of just bounces off anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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