Chapter 3

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"I can't believe him!" Peter gritted out as he came at the punching bag with everything he had. Harley winced from the sidelines as she watched his knuckles become absolutely decimated every time his fists came down on the fabric of the bag.

"Maybe lay off a little, Pup? Your hands are looking a little," she paused, staring at his hands in fascination, "worse for wear." Peter blinked and looked down at his knuckles, a little shocked to see them split, bloody and bruised.

'When did I start punching that hard?'

Harley clenched her teeth. She wasn't unfamiliar with blood, far from it actually. With the amount of help Mister J needed on a weekly basis and her separate work, it was just a natural part of it. An occupational hazard, if you will. 

She didn't enjoy spilling blood too much, unless someone really deserved it. Then, she would really enjoy it, milk it for all it's worth. However, on Peter, it was just wrong. It was a stark contrast with his pale skin and one she did not like. She wanted to scrub at it until it disappeared completely, so no trace of hurt or discomfort was showing on her friend.

"Here," she said, holding her hand out to him, and he took it without question, "let's go and clean that up, huh? Hey Renee! We're gonna use your first aid kit!" Harley called back to her long time friend, who grunted.

"You know the people who work here?" His friend nodded and grinned.

"We're pretty tight. Ran together some years ago." Peter nodded in understanding.

"What did you guys do?" Harley's smile dimmed a bit and quite noticeably to Peter.

"Ya'know, Puppy," Harley looked at him with a sad and pleading expression, "you shouldn't ask questions about things you don't want to know the answer to." Peter paused for a second and nodded in return. He's been there before, not that she would know. He had yet to tell her anything about the other world or about his powers.

There wasn't any magic here, no aliens, no Superman, no Wonder Woman, and no Batman. News reports didn't say anything about superheroes and he hadn't heard anything from Harley, the most accurate and trustworthy source of gossip he has. 

Nothing made sense to him here. The only times he had asked about Batman and his associates, he was shut down instantly by Harley, who seemed scared shitless. Even the Joker, while notorious on the streets, wasn't as big a deal as he should've been had this world been the canon one.

In the back room, a small TV was playing live news as his alabaster haired friend pulled out a large box, a red cross adorning the side. Harley motioned for him to give his hands and he did without fuss, ignoring the small complaints that Harley gave. These wounds were nothing, after all. It seemed that there was a large event going on, men in suits in front of a building, two men in the middle shaking hands and smiling towards the cameras that were no doubt flashing into their faces. 

One man was significantly taller than the other, towering over most people there. A handsome smile built onto his face like it was natural, but to Peter, it didn't feel right. He was very handsome, with dark blue eyes that shined due to camera lights, dark and slicked back hair, and sun kissed skin. He cut an imposing figure, broad and bulky; it was obvious he worked out. Peter narrowed his eyes. He looked familiar.

"Looking at the news?" Harley asked and Peter hissed as she disinfected his knuckles. His friend murmured an apology, and he ignored the stinging pain, going back to observing the men on TV.

"Yeah," he replied, "who are they?" Harley glanced at the screen.

"Wayne Enterprises probably expanded again. That must be the new partner and next to him is Brucie Wayne, CEO of WE." It clicked as soon as she said Wayne Enterprises. Peter's eyes widened. Looking closer, he didn't know why he didn't see it before. The chestnut haired boy stared at Bruce Wayne for a few moments longer. 

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