Chapter 7

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There wasn't much of a rush at first. Peter liked to think it was more shock than anything, but a part of him knew that this had happened far too often for him to really be in shock. It wasn't until about ten to fifteen minutes after Commissioner Gordon had been taken into the manor did the flames of his rage finally burst.

Piper, ever the observant puppy, came up to him with her tail between her legs, noticing and responding to her master's distress. Peter's eyes softened as he ran a hand through her soft fur. Titus lumbered up to him not long after, resting his large snout onto Peter's lap. He let out a strained chuckle.

"Thanks, Titus," he said and received a lick on his hand from his large tongue. A presence approached from behind him.

"Parker," a stiff voice said. Peter hummed, not really interested in turning around to face Damian. Peter could tell Damian was a little nervous, as his heart rate had elevated a bit. "Are-" a pause came, "are you alright?" There was a note of reluctance in Damian's tone as if he wasn't sure he should be there. Peter let his lips twitch up slightly.

"Fine." Damian came to stand in front of Peter. "Well, as fine as I can be." They were silent for a while, before Peter heard heavy footsteps lumbering towards the room they were in.

"Hey Bruce," he called out noncommittally. The footsteps stopped before the door.

"How are you holding up, Peter?" The deep voice of the head of house asked. Peter shrugged, not really caring if Bruce could see or not. He probably noticed though.

"Like I told Damian, as good as I can be." Bruce entered the room, coming to stand next to Damian, both men looming over Peter like it was their job to do so.

"Is there anything we can do?"

"Can you tell me where Harley is?" A regretful look came upon the man's handsome face, though his son's expression was as ambiguous as ever.

"If I could, Pete, I would. But I don't." Peter scoffed, running a hand through chestnut curls with agitation.

"So there is something the great Batman doesn't know," he mumbled to himself, though he could tell that Bruce and Damian heard it. Both men froze, and while their faces remained unreadable, he could see the surprise coursing through their eyes.

Bruce's voice was quiet, though Peter could hear the strain.

"How did you know?" Peter levelled them with a cool look, and despite not planning to reveal that he knew at that exact moment, he didn't think to feel bad about it.

"I know I'm not a detective, Bruce, but give me some credit. I can figure things out on my own, even if you didn't make it so blatantly obvious." Father and son straightened up, from shock, wariness, or pride, Peter doesn't know. Peter just knew that they had many things to talk about so both stalked out of the room, footfalls heavy and rushed as the door banged closed on their way out. It was another five minutes before Peter retired to his own room, Piper and Titus following from behind.


"Knock knock," Dick's voice called out, breaking Peter's train of thought. Peter pushed himself into a sitting position, giving the handsome man a forced grin.

"Hey Dick," he greeted softly. "What's up?" The light seemed to bend around him in the doorway, making him seem like some sort of angel. In reality, Peter knew he was far from that.

"I heard you knew." Peter gave a one shouldered shrug.

"I figured it out pretty early on." Dick leaned on the doorway.

"When?" Peter thought for a moment, calculating.

"I knew you weren't normal when I met you. I didn't really realize that Bruce, Batman I mean, was mafia until I came here." Silence commenced and Dick seemed to hesitate before entering the room, dark and warm.

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