Perse was a lovely being, Pan realized. She didn't know Pan, but she was worried about her and willing to lend a listening ear. Pan took a sip of the drink Perse had brought up and nearly melted as the sweetness. It reminded her a lot of hot chocolate on earth.

Pan took another sip, and before she knew it, she and Perse were sitting beside each other on the couch, and she was telling the story. She said

nearly everything, starting from how she snuck onto the ship because her Mama wouldn't allow her to go on the mission to them breaking free of the time-loop, her Papa sacrificing himself, and her and Trunks realizing they were the last two Saiyans and earthlings left.

Pan didn't cry as she told her tale; she had probably dried herself up with as much crying as she had done in the last month. All that was left now was the hollow sadness that was rooted inside of her. Pan wasn't sure if the ache in her chest would ever go away, but she did feel better after talking. The ache didn't throb as painfully as it usually did.

"You two have been through so much," Perse commented softly. "It must have been so hard on the both of you. You're so lucky to have to each other, though. I know you said you and Trunks didn't get along at first, but I honestly can't imagine it," she giggled softly. "Every day when he comes to get lunch for the two of you, all he talks about is you."

Pan could feel her cheeks growing warm. "Really?"

"Mhm," Perse nodded with a grin.

The comment made Pan grow toasty. She would never have thought that Trunks of all people would care so much about her, but then again, they had bonded while out in space.

"He's a great guy," Perse added.

"Yeah," Pan nodded slowly. "He really is." Trunks was working hard to make sure they could get their families and home back one day. She wanted to help, too, though she didn't know how she could. She wasn't smart like him, nor could she fix things. But she could work! The parts Trunks would eventually need wouldn't be free.

"Perse," Pan looked up at her. "I know this is a random question, but you're not hiring, are you?"

Perse's eyes widened in surprise. "You want to work for me? Really? That would be amazing!" She gushed. "I've been needing a waitress to work the bar!"

Pan felt her lips give a small twitch. Maybe her and Trunks' luck was starting to turn.


"Trunks," Pan was shaking him awake gently. "You fell asleep on the couch."

Trunks fought to keep his lips from twitching as he heard her laugh. He felt the shift on the couch as she sat down in front of it. Her fingers came up and brushed his hair to the side.

"You need a haircut," Pan commented softly.

During the time they were stuck in the time loop, his hair had grown out a little without him even realizing it. His hair brushed against his shoulders now, and most of the time, he kept it pulled back out of his face. He hadn't thought much about cutting it, and if Pan kept running her fingers through it like she was now, he would never cut it. Pan's hair had grown out as well. It fell across her back like a dark curtain.

"Trunks," Pan whined, and he felt her lean forward. "Wake up, sleepyhead. I want to show you something."

Trunks was tempted to open his eyes. With Pan, he never knew what to expect, so he kept his eyes closed.

There was a sigh, and suddenly, Trunks was being kissed. Pan's lips were soft, and she tasted sweet like she had been eating dessert.  Trunks didn't even try to hold himself back as he reached out to grab the back of her neck. Just as he attempted to deepen the kiss, Pan pulled away, and he opened his eyes to look at her.

"I knew you were awake," she grinned.

"I want that to be my wake-up call from now on," he told her.

Pan just giggled. "I'll think about it," she said as she stood up.

Trunks breathed deeply as he watched the crystal he had given Pan on Vidal sway as she leaned over him. She had no idea what she was doing to him, and Trunks could feel his blood rushing everywhere. Pan was wearing an old yellow tank top that fit her tightly. It showed the swell of her breasts and the dip of her hips, and Trunks' fingers twitched to pull down the thin straps resting against Pan's pale shoulders.

The most they had done since that night on the ship was kiss, and Trunks was always careful not to take things too far. Sometimes it was hard, though, and Pan didn't seem to know what she was doing to him.

"Come into the kitchen," Pan told him with a smile. "I have something for you."

Trunks didn't have time to reply as she turned and skipped onto their kitchen. He sighed as he stood up and stretched. He knew one thing for sure that he wanted from Pan, and it made his face grow warm. He shook his head to clear his thoughts as he stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Pan was in front of the counter, and her back was towards Trunks. His lips twitched as he walked closer. It had only been a few weeks since Pan had started working with Perse in her cafe, and since then, she had attempted several of the recipes herself.

Trunks was a few steps away when Pan turned around holding something. It took Trunks a few seconds to realize that it was a cake and on the top of it were candles. Trunks stared at it for several seconds before he looked up at Pan.

"We were in that time loop for a year," she said softly. "Even though a bunch of bad things happened while we were in it, unknowingly, our birthdays came, and we turned another year older. I turned eighteen; you turned twenty-six, and we didn't even know it. I thought we should celebrate our birthdays, at least."

Trunks hadn't even thought about their birthdays, but she was right. A year had passed in that time-loop, so they had aged.

"Is it okay?" Pan asked softly when Trunks didn't reply at first. "I know it's a birthday without our families, but by next year or the year after, we should be with them again, right?"

"Panna," he raised his hand and placed it under the player she was holding. "It's perfect," he told her with a smile. "And you're right. We should celebrate our birthdays because we're going to be the ones to save our families, right?"

Pan seemed to brighten. She smiled, and Trunks' heart pounded at the sight. He wanted nothing more than to set the cake to the side and grab Pan's face and kiss her until she was breathless against him. But he controlled himself and remained still.

"Right!" Pan agreed with a nod. "Let's make our wishes," she told him, "and it can't be about our families because that's something that's going to come true no matter what."

Trunks honestly couldn't think of anything else to wish for. He had Pan, who had become the most important person in his life. If he had to wish for anything, it would be to keep Pan happy and smiling like she was now. He never wanted to see her as broken as she had been. Trunks closed his eyes the same time Pan did as he blew out the candles. He wished for nothing but their happiness as they continued to heal together.

Next chapter: Things are about to get *physical*

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