"I know this is important to you Y/N. I want to make sure it happens even if it means rushing to get a case done."

His hard expression didn't alter with his kind words. Redness flushed your cheeks and you looked away quickly, clearing your throat while you could even though it was dry. The city lights were causing you to see thin lines. In New York, it was already cold, too cold.

"To me, it's important that this case gets priority. People are dying, I can wait," you tried to say light heartedly, "Plus...how about we grab something for dinner? You can rest and I can too." You turn to fully look at him only to find his eyes already on you.

Your breath caught in your throat but you made no effort to move away. His eyes were hypnotizing, a swirl of honey that you couldn't break away from. Heat coursed your body despite your will to stay calm from being in his presence. How can he do this? Make you so nervous yet safe at the same time. Reluctantly you looked away because of the ding erupting from your phone.

Saying a quick excuse me, you walked over to the table angry that the moment of bliss was interrupted. You pressed the on button to see an unknown texted you. You glanced at Hotch before abruptly turning the other direction. You don't know why you didn't want him to know. Maybe it was because he would amount to panic instead of thinking this through.


I'm surprised you're back. Welcome home babydoll. Don't trip.

It only took seconds before your hands felt like jello but by some miracle you held onto your phone tightly. Your breathing became so fast you wondered if you would pass out. He's here. Axel is here.

"Everything okay?" a voice distantly echoed. It wasn't a deep one, it sounded more like Emily. Whoever it was, they sounded so far yet so loud at the same time. You gripped onto the wall tightly to prevent you from passing out. Your mouth was slowly drying up and you wondered if you would ever get words out.

It felt as though a chainsaw had cut through your vocal cords. Someone grabs your hips to keep you steady. Hotch.

"I'm okay," you say but it came out more as a whisper, "I'm okay I just- my food isn't sitting right."

JJ comes behind you. You don't know when everyone began to file in or how long you've been in the same position. "Let's sit down." She says firmly, guiding you over to a chair.

Your vision starts to piece back together. Emily, Hotch, and JJ are here. Hotch looks the most concerned, grows furrowed as he kneels down in front of you, gripping your cheeks lightly between his hands. The girls say something before leaving once again. Hotch nods in agreement at their statement and quickly turns his eyes back to you.

"What's happened Y/N?" he asks quietly. You can't fathom an answer right now. You stare at him blankly like he just spoke a different language.

Two weeks ago, you believed that Axel was harmless. You thought that once he was gone with his own money, he wouldn't care about you. He isn't stupid and he knows that the team is looking at him. The amount of risk Axel is showing doesn't make sense. He's not a risk taker, he is a coward. Why is he fighting all of a sudden?

If he knows you're here now, what else does he know? Is he dangerous? Or is this just some harmless stalker prank you happen to be the receiving end of? The big question is if he would do something if he found you. There is nothing else for you to give. All of your money went to Celia except a few thousand, you're worthless in his eyes. The only thing you carry is information and a witness.

As a lawyer you would say that is the most powerful thing, as a victim- you don't know what to think. No matter what happens with Axel, you will never truly feel safe from him. Hotch brings the sense but that is never fully secure. Temporary security is worse than none at all because you know that one day you will have to go back to living in absolute fear, a bubble from society.

𝘉𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘋𝘚𝘐𝘋𝘌𝘋 | 𝘈.𝘏. ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя