Part Two: May 1st

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Interrogation Room

May 2nd

     The room is dimly lit with a tint of purple. A single table with two chairs sitting on opposite ends. One by one the group is called in to be questioned by Officer Ellis. The interviews begin with Lucianne. They've brought people whom they know, or knew to also answer some questions.

"I've known the Thomsen family for 10 years now. They don't just not call" ''Really?"

Interview switches to Kaia's:

     Kaia sits confidently, doesn't seem frightened. "Never, seriously." "You appear rather calm about this." "Why would I freak out if there's nothing to freak about?" She replies. "What do you think happened?" Officer Ellis asks with his pen on his notepad.

Interview switches to Brooks':

     Brooks has a tough shell, always has. He's always seen himself as the "black sheep" in his family. Everyone had the brains of gods, smartness came easy to them. But with Brooks he had to work 10 times harder to catch up. No one ever shamed him for being behind but he always thought they did.

"My father probably got this real cool idea and they just never updated us."

"I thought you said your mother got a call?"

"She did." "Do you know who it could've been?" "I don't know, work maybe." "I'm sorry, do you not want to be here?" "Not really, no." "Why?" "Because my parents are fine, they're just out there somewhere, not answering their phones." He wishes he could believe that but he knows there is something wrong. "You really think so?" "Yes." he shuffles back into his seat, crossing his arms.

"Okay well I still want to ask some questions like, these family friends, what is the relationship like? Any other people in their life, coworkers, buddies from school?"

Interview switches to Kaia's:

"We all got along great. Our neighborhood didn't really have that many kids and when my mother met Ryan and his family, it kind of kick started from there." "And you all still talk?" "No. After the years there's been some drifting." That's an understatement. The friend situation is complicated but it's illegal to lie to the police.

Interview switches to Lucianne's:

"That's how they all met. Ryan and Brooks met in Kindergarten." Lucianne masks her fear very well. It seems like she's enjoying this, being questioned telling a life story even though it's not hers.


Kindergarten, 10 years ago.

Lucianne narrates the story.

"One day Mandy forgot to pick up Ryan again, typical."

Young Catherine gets out of her car and walks up to a younger Brooks who's standing in front of the school doors for pickup. He stands next to another child, who's holding a teacher's hand. She bends down to his height.

"Who's Mandy?" Ellis interrupts.

"Mandy is short for Miranda, keep up." Lucianne scoffs. Lucianne continues to paint the picture.

"I was gone for a week. I usually picked up Brooks from school but I couldn't because I had a wedding to go, I was a bridesmaid. Ryan was waiting there to be picked up, it was never going to happen."

Catherine fixes Brooks' clothes and turns to see Ryan holding Miss Baldwin's, their teacher, hand. They look like they're waiting to catch a bus.

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