Sissy laughed while I took a deep breath and sighed.

“You going to be alright, I gotta attend to some business.”

“Yeah go, I’m good.”


I was hoping to come home and see her still sleeping, but nooo Cecilia had to get her up and not only was she up she was awake and pissed…at me. 

I on the other hand was very ecstatic to have her back. Last night I was able to lay beside her as she slept, but didn’t dare to touch her just in case she woke up and decided to take her anger out on me as I slept. 

Then this morning, I was able to give her a kiss without even waking her and she smiled, but as soon as his name came out of her mouth I had to control myself before I took her right then and there to show her who exactly her mate was. The only thing that stopped me was when her hand came over her small baby bump.

My baby, she was carrying my baby and she looked so beautiful doing it although I could see she had lost a large amount of weight since I last seen her. Why did it have to be this way? I was supposed to make your life easier, not harder. I gave her belly a kiss and left, I need to run to get myself ready for today or my wolf wasn’t going to be a very happy camper.

“How is she?”

And here we go with the questions.


“How does she look?”

“She’s fine don’t worry.”

“The baby?”

“Fine, now are you going to let me run or pester me all morning about her?”

“Can I see her?”


I stopped and turned around to look at him.

“Look I know you’re getting restless alright, but until it’s time you can’t see her or she’ll never be able to understand what we are doing.”

“She’ll understand, I know it, she’s not like the others.”

“I know she’s not, but she’s pregnant and bringing you in this soon will just ruin everything.”

“But wouldn’t it be easier for her to get to know me before hand? It’s like you don’t even want her to know who I am, like you’re purposely trying to keep her from me. Are you changing your mind?”

“Of course not!”

“Then why can’t I begin to get to know her? The least you can do is let me since I saw her marry you!”

I let out a sigh and placed my hands on my hips.

“It’s just not a good time. She and I aren’t doing so well and if I bring you in now she’ll never truly love me like she should. Then you’ll have a harder time. I got it; just give me time, alright?”

It took him a couple of minutes, but he nodded and I ran off.

Unknown POV

I watched him as he ran off a good distance before I ran off myself. I wasn’t a wolf like everyone else, but I still had the ability to run fast enough thanks to the military. Although I was born from werewolves I was a special one, one that only another wolf can fix and that other wolf was Xavier.

Xavier was my best friend since I could remember. Born on the same day, same hospital, by the same doctor and by best friends was something else. His mother was of course Luna and my mother was the beta’s wife so it was inevitable that we were meant to be friends. Only difference, I was born with a rare heart and blood disease, hence why I didn’t have my wolf at the age of sixteen. Xavier on the other hand was as normal as normal could be and although he would make me feel as much part of the pack as possible I knew I would never be like them, so at eighteen I ran away to the military and haven’t came home until I went to visit Xavier about three years ago at his school and saw her… Emma. 

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