“What the hell are you all doing here?!”

Sissy came running out of the house with Xavier behind her.

“I order you to leave NOW!’

 Then dad stepped out and we both gasped.

“You know where she was?”

I could feel dad’s Alpha and I knew Sissy was fighting it, keeping her head up and her wolf back. She was about to speak when I stepped up, but Antonio stopped me.

“Let me.”

I shook my head and pushed past him.



I fought against Xavier’s hold on me especially since dad looked like he was about to kill Antonio. As soon as he growled and stepped forward, I ran over to him.

“Daddy NO! Dad please don’t, it’s no one’s fault, but mine. Please, I beg you.”

He looked down at me for a second then brought me into his harms.

“My baby girl, I was so worried.”

“I’m sorry daddy, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just couldn’t stay, I just couldn’t.”

 He only pulled away to lift up my chin and look into my eyes before he shook his head and hugged me again.

“Why? Why couldn’t you come to me and tell me?”

“And do what, cause you more pain then I already have?”

“We could have worked it out, found a solution.”

I shook my head and looked back up to meet his eyes.

“As solution to what?! What is it that you think happened?”

“He made a mistake, but he’s sorry for it…”

I pushed completely away from him and turned to Xavier.

“What is he talking about?! What did you tell HIM?!”

He stepped up and tried to touch me, but I slapped his hand away.

“Don’t touch me, I know what you’ve been up to these last four months and I prefer you didn’t touch me with those filthy hands, god know where they’ve been.”

“Oh and you’re so innocent?”

“You leave her alone; you have no idea what you’re talking about!”

Zander came out from behind us and faced Xavier.

“You just couldn’t stay away could you?”

“I knew you were behind all of this! But of course, you’re her best friend, but that’s it, she’s mine, not yours!”

Zander laughed.

“Are you Fucken serious? Is this what this is all about? You’re so insecure that you really think Emma would cheat on you with me?”

“I found her dress with your sent all over it! I know what you both did and did not too long ago too!”

I frowned and shook my head.

“You ASS! You seriously thought that was me? Are you out of your mind?! I found it with your brother’s sent all over it you IDIOT!”

I met Xavier’s eyes and took a step back into Antonio’s arms that were happy to wrap themselves around me.

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