“Are you mated?”

I snapped out of my lustful thoughts and shook my head, letting out a breath.

“My mate died when we were just kids so I never got to experience having one.”

“And you think Emma could be it?”

“More than you know.”

“And you think you can change the fact that she’s already mated?”

This guy was really getting on my last nerve, but I needed to play nice if I wanted Emma to be mine and if he didn’t like me I knew she would never give me a chance. 

“He doesn’t deserve her, leaving her like that without an explanation and pregnant, he’s not a man or a mate for that matter. She deserves to be loved and taken care of.”

“She’s married under god’s name, she may be broken, but she sticks to her vows no matter what. She’s not just going ot let you take over and be okay with it. Like it or not, she’s not going to break them regardless of how good you are to her.”

I could feel my temper rising, but I clenched my jaw tight taking deep breaths.

“Well from the pains she’s been experiencing lately, he hasn’t.”

“What do you mean?”

Cecilia was obviously not being informed as well as Zander since he didn’t even flinch at the news like her sister.

“I knew it.”

“What are you two talking about?”

I looked at her, but kept my eye on him as he began pacing my living room floor.

“He’s been cheating on her and it’s obvious he doesn’t care very much about her since he’s causing her to black out from the pain.”

She gasped, clenching her mouth with her hand and growled.

“Bastard! I should have known since he’s been running around the whole town and of course he just had to be my husband’s brother, they’re one of the same!”

“You’re married to the brother, you mean…”

“I know what it looks like, but it’s not like that. I thought by marrying him it would keep him away from her, but that didn’t turn out so well.”

“So you know where both of them are?”

“Yes of course I do.”

“Do they know where you are?”

“My husband thinks I’m on a business trip which is partially true, so he doesn’t question me.”

“And what about HIM?”

I look toward Zander 

“Our school ended a week ago, so he should be back in New York where he also has a business.”

“What are you planning on doing?”

I smiled and look back at her.

“I’m going to make sure they never hurt her again.”

“What about Emma? She’s pregnant and if you hurt Xavier, she’ll feel it. Hell if you break their bond it will almost if not kill her depending on how strong it is.”

“I know she’s in no condition for me to break it and I won’t unless she wants me too, but as long as she stays far away from him it’ll weaken itself out, causing her less pain if she does decide to break it.”

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