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December 22

Two Days Left.

As Harry retold the story of what Steven said on the phone, the boys were in a frenzy. 

"He did what!" Liam seethed. 

"I know I know, but we know where he is so lets go get him," Harry soothed. 

Zayn grabbed the car keys and headed to the door. "It's a two day drive. Lets go get our brother."

Two Days..... the clock was ticking, and miles away, Niall was slipping.


Sitting in the alleyway Niall sobbed. Begging to whatever entity was out there to make it stop. Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop......

It doesn't stop.

Two days, Niall would be dead in two days.

Pulling out his journal, Niall wrote, just like he always did. 

"I have two days left of this gift we call life. It doesn't seem like much of a gift to me. Hell, I've never been spiritual. Never believed in gods or a heaven. But damn I do believe in hell, because this shit I call life, MUST be hell. I wonder what happens after we die. Maybe.... Hopefully, nothing. Hopefully I'll just be a thought. A mere memory, and all the parts that make up me die too. This is my downfall. This is almost the end of what I call life. - Niall"


Hey everyone, I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever, life's been rough. I hope you all are finding peace within yourselves.

I aim to be more active from now on. Enjoy

This story is coming to an end. 

Love love love you all

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