"Did you window shop? Cause you don't have no bags." I recognized that obnoxious voice and turn to face Nick who was sitting at a table behind me with some other guys. "Of course I actually shopped" I said with a raise of my bags, turning back to finish my food when I felt his eyes still on me. "I can't eat if someone is watching me" I turned back to him with a smug look on my face. "I'm just repaying you for the other day..." he said, not turning away or even the slightest embarrassed. I didn't have a response that would justify that so instead I went with a common interest, "Did you come to meet Alana here?" I asked. He just looked at me puzzled, "Y'all friends?" I nodded and he turned back to his table with a small laugh. He is so weird.

Not too long after that him and his friends got up from the table heading towards the exit. I finished my food and went to catch up with Alana. She texted me that she was in Sephora and when I got there she was having the sales associate paint her face with all Fenty products. Waving me down excitedly she asked, "Which side is cuter? I want to surprise Nick later!" I took it that he must have come and seen her before he left, "I think he's gone now but the right side..."

"He was here?"

"Yeah, he was at the food court." She looked sad but then instantly bounced back, grabbing her phone to call him. "Kaia, when you saw him... why didn't you call me?!" I wanted to tell her that I assumed her boyfriend would do that himself but it didn't seem appropriate.

We left the mall after dark and it turned out that shopping was more fun than I ever realized, she had me try on a bunch of clothes for her and I felt like a doll. Her personal dress up Bratz. It was uncomfortable. After the third outfit, I was over it and told her that I was ready to go but she wasn't having any of it, "You don't even know just how pretty you are! Come on, one more outfit." Before I could protest, she was going to grab another outfit for me. I ended up trying on four more in total before telling her once again, I was not having fun. "The pretty ones never appreciate it." She walked up to me and pulled my face to hers, we were so close that I had to look away. "Don't ruin this for me Kaia! Just a few more... for me, please!" feeling flattered and flustered, I gave in and tried on another two.

Finally, we were leaving and she was telling me about how happy she was to have met me. "You're a good friend Kaia, I really am glad you're in my life." Placing her arm over my shoulder and bringing me into a hug, I felt her lips graze my forehead. Today was a really good day.

When school came back around, Alana and I talked more than ever and about a lot more. She would come over to me and Dani's table to tell me something funny she had heard and sometimes she would even text me throughout the day because her classes were so boring. One day she called texted me during Ms. Riley's class and asked if I wanted to skip again. Duh, was all I said in response. She told me to meet her out in the parking lot near the café after class. I told Dani that I wasn't going to make it to next period and she was looking at me with a smile. "I don't like being alone because it's boring but Xay is going to be there so I guess it's fine." We all started to mess with her about their obvious connection and how she wouldn't admit it but really wanted him to be her boyfriend. Once class was over, I tried my best to sneak out the building but I ended up drawing more attention to myself. Giving up on the act, I walked around like I was heading to the other side and was going to turn around and just walk straight out. Just as I passed the door I heard my name being hissed, "Kaia!" turning to the door I saw Alana laughing at me and ushering me towards her with her hands. I ran over to her and asked what was so funny, "You're so awkward! Why didn't you just walk out here, there isn't a rule saying we can't go outside crazy." I felt a little embarrassed but her laughter was infectious. We made it to her car and out the school parking area without an issue, "Is there ever a time that someone cares that we leave?" I was curious. She laughed and told me that the school wasn't aware that students were bold enough to just drive out. "Freshie, I'm going to take you to my favorite spot!" she said and I was sure we were going back to the mall. However, when we made it to downtown she kept driving. We were driving for about 10 minutes when I was getting curious, "Where is this place?"

Between Love and AdmirationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin