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The next day, Daryl worked the morning despite being Saturday, and you'd told him to come to drop Sam at your place on his way to work, so the kid wouldn't have to be all morning at the garage, and since Daryl only worked the morning, he could come later to your place too and you three would have lunch together.

At first, Daryl had been reluctant, like he didn't want to bother you or make you get up early on a Saturday and the first day of spring break, but he had finally agreed. In the end, they stayed at your place for the whole day, having not only lunch with you but also dinner, leaving late in the evening.

You found it still hard to believe that Daryl and you were together now, that you were more than friends, and part of you was still afraid that he would change his mind, realize that he didn't want this...but then, he'd look at you in a certain way, and even without saying anything, you'd feel butterflies in your belly.

He hadn't told Sam yet, you knew that he didn't know how yet and felt shy about it, you understood it, wouldn't pressure him. You felt a bit shy too about it, a bit nervous even , wondering what Sam might think, even if you knew it was silly to feel that way.

Your day with Daryl was pretty much the same with Sam around, as if things between you two hadn't changed, he didn't seem too sure on how to act, and neither were you, but there were some looks, some lingering touches here and there, that made you feel that you and him were more than friends now, and made your heart do funny things...that, and the stolen kisses in the kitchen when you two were alone getting food ready. It was silly, but it made you feel as giddy as if you were back to being a teen.

The next day, it was you who went to the Dixon's. You were in the kitchen, trying not to get flustered at the feeling of Daryl's eyes on you, watching you while you cooked, when you heard little Dixon calling for from the yard before he looked inside from the kitchen's window.

"Y/N, look! There's a squirrel on the tree!" Sam told you, he knew you liked it when you spotted any animal around, so he always pointed them to you even if it was just a sparrow.

You turned off the stove and went outside with Sam, while Daryl followed you too, and you looked at the tree, spotting the squirrel.

"I see her! So cute!" You couldn't help but almost squeal, and you nudged Daryl with your shoulder when you heard his snort as he seemed amused at you.

"Yeah..." Sam agreed. "I've never seen one this close home."

"Why don't you and Daryl build them a feeder? Maybe even a tiny squirrel home too?" You suggested. "That way maybe more of them will come here." After all, the Dixon's cabin was right next to the woods.

"Can we?" Sam asked.

"Okay..." Daryl nodded. "That way we'll have dinner at home instead of havin' to go to the woods to get it."

"Daryl!" You chastised him, but you saw he was smirking at you, and you rolled your eyes at him, snorting and shaking your head.

"He doesn't mean it, Y/N," Sam told you before looking back at the squirrel.

"Yeah...I think we got some wood somewhere, we can try buildin' them somethin'," Daryl said, and when he kissed the side of your head while Sam looked at the squirrel, butterflies began dancing in your belly again.


You'd told Daryl that he could leave Sam at your place while he worked on Monday, that you'd watch over him during spring break like you did at Christmas, but Daryl still seemed to not want to take over all your free time, and instead, he told you that he'd take Sam with him to the garage in the morning, then leave him with you for lunch, and he'd join you both for dinner.

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