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Next Friday, you were at the classroom, waiting with Sam for Daryl to come pick him up, planning on asking him if they wanted to go to your place for dinner and a movie either that evening or the next one, when the custodian came to tell you that there was a phone call from Daryl Dixon asking for you.

You couldn't be more confused, and so seemed be Sam.

"There's somethin' wrong?" He asked you.

"I don't know...I'm going to answer..." You hoped nothing was wrong, but you didn't know why Daryl would phone otherwise.

"Can I go with you?" Sam seemed worried too.

"Sure, sweetheart, come on." You walked with Sam to the office and picked up the phone. "Daryl?"


"There's something wrong?" You couldn't help but ask before he could say anything.

"Nah, nah, ain't that," Daryl said and you let out a relieved sigh, shaking your head to little Dixon so he knew he didn't have to worry. "But I'm gonna be late."

"Okay, Daryl, there's no problem, we'll wait."

"No, I mean, real late. I told ya I used to ride with some guys, one of them needs his bike fixed for the weekend, it's in bad shape, I gotta keep workin' on it after the garage closes, I owe him...I'm sorry, can ya get Sam to the garage?"

"Sure, but, what if Sam and I go to my place and wait for you there, instead of going to the garage?"

"Nah, I ain't sure when I'm gonna finish, but it's gonna be late."

"That's okay, really, Sam and I can just go home, have dinner, wait for you watching something."

Daryl stayed silent for a couple of seconds, until he spoke again. "Are ya sure?"

"Yes, Daryl, really."

"Okay...okay, thanks...I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's fine, really," you tried to assure him once again.


"I'll see you later, I hope that bike doesn't give you much trouble."

"Yeah...see ya later."

Daryl hung the phone and you turned to look at Sam. "So, your uncle has to work late today, so, it's okay if we go to my place for dinner and watch something while we wait for him?" You asked him. "If you don't want to, I'll walk you to the garage."

"I want to watch something with you and your cat while we wait for Daryl." Sam smiled at you, and you couldn't help your own.

"Okay, then, let's tidy up the classroom and go home."


Back at home, and once Sam said hi to your cat, he followed you to the kitchen.

"What're you goin' to make?" He asked you.

"I was thinking lasagna, is that okay?" You had already planned on asking Daryl to come for dinner either that evening or the next, and you had thought that he and Sam might enjoy some lasagna.

"Yes." Sam nodded, smiling. "Your veggie lasagna."

"That is." You chuckled. "But I'm going to make it with eggplant instead of zucchini this time," you explained, you had already roasted the eggplant so it wouldn't take that long. "Do you want to help me make it?"

Little Dixon nodded, and so you showed him how to make the lasagna, letting him help with it. Once it was in the oven, you painted with Sam until the dinner was ready.

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