Chapter 11

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Hope POV

This class I only had with mg and The rest of the vampires.

"Hey hope?" Mg asked
"Yeah Mg?" I say
"What's up with you and Josie?" He said as we sat down in our seats
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Well, her and Lizzie was talking about you but I couldn't really hear them and when I walked over they changed the subject. Soon as you come she gets all quiet and usually you guys would have them sexual eye contact-" Mg was saying

"We do not." I said

"Hey Kaleb?" Mg called him over
"Yeah?" He says
"Right Josie and Hope have eye contact sex every where we go?" Mg asked Kaleb
"All the time man. It's kind of cute but then sometimes gets uncomfortable" Kaleb says

Oh my gosh. We do.....

"Whatever" I said
"Okay, thanks bud" Mg says

Kaleb went to sit in his seat.

"So are you guys dating? Talking? In a fight right now? Or....." Mg says

"She's probably mad at me for not going to do the project with her during study hall" I say

"Sureee... but when y'all do date I want to be the first too know" Mg says

"She's dating jade" I said

"For now, but when y'all date I don't want to hear a excuse or anything, I just want to be the first too know" he says

"Yeah whatever" I said

"Oh I'm serious" he says

We both started laughing but immediately shutting up after the teacher walked in.

Josie POV

I had another class with my sister.

As we walked into class we see the teacher was here already so we didn't have time to talk, but knowing Lizzie she will find a way.

We sat down.

"So, how do you know for sure?" Lizzie asked
"Because I followed hope to this cliff thing. She was there with maya" I said
"And she didn't hear you?" She asked
"I put up a silencing spell around me, and I still have the necklace Hope gave me so I siphoned it." I said

"So what did she say exactly?" Lizzie asked
"Maya said 'you moaned Josie's name during sex' and I got shocked but bigger shock is she confessed that she was in love with me" I whispered to Lizzie

"And how do you feel about this?" She whispered with a smile

"I don't know how to feel, I don't even know if I love hope in that way, I mean I love everything about her and I never really thought of her like that recently" I said

"Recently?" Lizzie asked

"I had a crush on her years ago. That doesn't count though, plus I don't want to hurt jade." I say

"You want to know what I think?" Lizzie asked

"Not really, but I know you're going to say it anyways so go ahead" I said

"I think you are in love with her too, you're just scared to tell her or even tell yourself that because you don't want to hurt jade" Lizzie says

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