Chapter 3

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Josie POV

"So Hope, we can start the project during our study hall next period" I said
"Yeah sure" she said before putting her head down

Something's off with hope.

"Excuse me. May I use the bathroom?" Hope asked the teacher

"Yeah sure" he says before Hope ran off

I looked over to Lizzie and mg and they didn't know what to do either.

After about 10 minutes the bell ranged and Hope still wasn't back.

Mg came up to me.
"What's going on with hope?" He asked
"I was going to ask you that" I said
"She is on overdrive" Lizzie says
"What?" I asked
"It's something wolfs usually get, like for example they feel all this feelings or whatever you want to call them over flowing in their body and it makes them need to run free which is why some wolves love the full moon" Lizzie says

"And you know this because?" I asked
"Believe it or not Hope and I talk all the time just not in school" Lizzie says
"Mhmm" I said before walking off to check the bathroom

I heard heavy breathing when I entered

"Hope?" I asked
"Josie? Is that you?" She asked
"Yes" I said before running into her stall

She was sitting in a corner freaking out.

"I don't know what's wrong with me" she says
"Nothings wrong with you hope" I say
"Why are my powers heightened or something?" She asked
"Maybe you are stressed" I said
"What can I do to make you feel better?" I asked

"Make the power go down" she says
"How can I do th-"

That's when it hit me.

"I can siphon from you, make the power cool down" I say
"I don't know if that's going to work but you can sure as hell try" she says

I go over to her and grab her hands. I start to siphon from her.

Hope POV

Josie started to siphon from me and man did that feel good, It was like sex but better. I shouldn't even be thinking about this, she's my best friend for god sakes.

She continued to siphon

"Let me know when to stop" she says

Even that sounded sexy at the moment.
What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Okay stop!" I said
"Are you okay? Did I do something wrong? Did I take to much?" She asked
"No, you did great and I appreciate this but I need to find mg" I said
"Well he's has study hall this period so maybe he's in the library reading comics" she says
"They library has comics?" I asked
"Not really he just buys them from in town and reads them there because it's more quiet there" she says
"Okay, well thank you and I'll see you later?" I asked

"Actually you will see me in 10 minutes we still have to work on this project hope" she says
"I almost forgot about that. After I'm done talking to Mg I'll stop by your room and we can work on it?" I asked
"Sure"she says

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