
Beta carefully watched his surroundings as he sneaked around cars with Fred in his arms, who was now back into his default state. They were slowly creeping their way towards a group of three teens enjoying the movie together. Luckily, they parked far away from the other cars, seemingly to play loud music or yell undisturbed. They were perfect.

Beta kneeled down behind a car parked at the last row, watching from afar how one of the teenagers excused himself from the group. He quickly snuck after him switchblade in hand, following him into the woods nearby quietly.

He creeped from a distance as he watched the teen lit a cigarette and take a drag. Beta set down Fred before in a blink of an eye grabbed him in a choke hold covering his mouth. The man struggled to no avail, Beta in a swift movement stabbed the blade into his neck. He let out a muffled noise of pain as Beta kept stabbing him and lowered him to the ground.

The young man groaned as he bled out. Beta started relentlessly kicking him laughing.

"Aren't you a weak one!" Aiming for the ribs. Eventually he stopped moving but Beta continued to kick.

"Beta, I think he has passed." But Beta continued to assault the body, unlistening.

"Fucking useless waste of space!"


"What?" Beta snapped his head in Fred's direction, slowing down his kicks as he came down from his high. -"Sorry..." He exhaled, scooting over to Fred and placing him next to the corpse.

"After you eat, should we both pounce on the other two?" Beta asked, wiping his switchblade on the grass, watching as Fred tore through the corpse. He was covered in blood, the red liquid staining his blue shirt visibly.

"Together?" Fred's cheeks heated up.

"Together." Beta smiled, watching as the demon's tendrils slowly bore through the guy's skin, tearing his inside apart as more blood spilled on the forest floor. He could see the dead body twitch as the pumpkin pushed past some nerves, he couldn't stop watching in morbidity curiosity! It looked so interesting...

"Alright, that should do it." Fred commented after a while, looking down on the unrecognizable body that once was. He quickly transformed again, standing up taller than Beta. The human flinched back, still not used to the sheer size of the demon.

"Fred, have you ever killed someone by your own hands before?" He asked, flipping the blade in his hands to get a better grip.

"Yes, countless times."

Beta felt a shiver of excitement run down his spine; "Good."

He gently took the demon's bloodied hand into his own, slowly making their way towards the movie theatre again. As they were about to emerge from the forest, two voices prompted them to stop.

"Daniel? W-Where are you?" - It was the voice of a blonde teenage girl, standing next to the forest as she tried to look past the trees. She didn't manage to catch a glimpse of him, nor his lit cigar.

"Where do you think he went?" Another voice asked, a different brunette girl stepping into view, "He hasn't come back in fifteen minutes... I-I'm starting to get worried."

"I know!" her friend whined in response, "He's not here! S-Should we go together to check?"

"Hell no!" she answered, grabbing her hand, "Maybe there's a wild animal out there! Let's go tell some other people..."

"You're right- That was stupid of me..."

"It's okay," she said, slowly rubbing circles into her palm, "I'm sure he's okay... Maybe he just got lost? Let me try to call him-" The two girls looked down on her phone, scrolling through the contacts as they tried to find Daniel.

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