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"Mer, honey, wake up for me" Derek whispered

"E-Ellie" She whispered

"Yeah, Ellie's in the living room. Maggie's here already with Winston" Derek explained

"G-Good" She quietly said

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he rubbed her hands

"O-Okay" She groaned as he stretched her fingers

"Mer, please be honest with me" Derek whispered

"E-Everything h-hurts" She sobbed

"Shh, I'll give you some more meds, okay?" Derek kissed her forehead and went to grab what he needed

"P-Party.. I h-have to be t-there" She muttered

"You will be there, I got you" He injected the painkillers and muscle relaxers "Let's get you in your chair so I can empty your bag and get you changed into a party outfit" He smirked, trying to lighten the mood

"K-Kay" She breathed as he lifted her


Derek wheeled Meredith into the living room and saw Alex walking towards them

"Hi Mer" He smiled and gave her a kiss on her cheek

"H-Hi" She smiled back

"Mom!" Ellis smiled as she walked towards them and gave her a kiss too

"H-Hi baby" She smiled "Y-You look wonderful"

"Thanks mom" Ellis giggled but got called away by a few of her friends

"Zo and Bails are here too, do you wanna go see them?" Derek asked

"T-That's good" She smiled softly

Derek wheeled her over to the corner where their two oldest kids were sitting down with Lily as they were chatting away

"Hey guys" Derek smiled and took a seat next to them

They all talked a bit and got disturbed every couple of minutes by some people saying hello

An hour had passed, Zola and her husband were talking to Maggie and Bailey, Laura and Luke went outside to play a bit. Derek had helped her to drink a bit of the juice he had gotten her when the babies woke up

"I'll go check on them" Derek said and kissed her head

Meredith was still sitting in her chair in the corner, Link was with her

"I'll go check on the birthday girl" He smiled at Meredith

Meredith was left by herself. There was no way she could drive her wheelchair by herself as her wrist and fingers were totally cramped in her lap

It was only when Derek returned a bit later that he saw his wife sitting "Hey, are you sitting here by yourself?" He frowned

"Y-Yeah" She sighed "B-Babies?"

"They're up. Wanna come with me for their bottles?" Derek asked

"Y-Yes please" She nodded as tears pooled in her eyes

Derek brought her to their large bedroom and helped her into the bed "I'll go grab them and their bottles so we can feed them here" He smiled and Meredith nodded in response

It didn't take long before Derek returned with the two babies and he took a seat in the chair next to Meredith's side of the bed. He placed Edith on the bed in between pillows so she couldn't roll off and he started to feed Archie. Meredith kept looking at her husband with her grandson in his arms

"T-They are b-beau-b-" She struggled

"They are beautiful" Derek nodded

"Yeah" She breathed and smiled

"This one is done" He laughed "Let's burp you little man. Maybe Nana wants to help?" Derek suggested

"H-How?" She frowned

"Let me" He smiled and placed Archie on her chest and started to rub the baby's back until a burp came out

"I'll put this little man back in bed first" Derek smiled and left. When he returned he heard Meredith talking to Edith

"Y-You have t-to be g-good for your m-mommies, A-Archie and p-apa" She whispered "I-I'm sorry p-princess"

Derek's heart broke as he realised what she was talking about. He composed himself and quietly walked into the room

"How are my girls doing?" He forced a smile

"H-Having a c-chit-chat" She smiled

"Sounds girly" He smiled as Edith let go of a whimper

"S-She's hungry" He smiled

"I'll feed her" He smiled and climbed in next to her

"S-She's too c-cute" Meredith smiled widely

"She'll be a handful I think" Derek laughed "And if she'll be like her mom and Nana, she'll cause a lot of trouble" Derek laughed

"S-She will" Meredith laughed as she watched the little baby girl drink her bottle

"How are you feeling?" He asked Meredith

"I-It's o-okay" She softly smiled at her husband "W-Wanna nap in a b-bit" She sighed

"That's okay. Let me finish this one's bottle and then I'll help you get comfortable" He smiled "You can go back to the party after your nap"

"Y-Yeah" She sighed

"Mer, what's wrong?" He asked

"J-Just can't r-really have a c-co-con-"

"A conversation?" Derek guessed

"I-It's getting h-harder" She sighed

"It will be okay" He kissed her temple "Do you wanna help to let her burp?"

"P-Please" She smiled

"Here Edith, be nice to Nana" He smiled as he put the baby on Meredith's chest

"N-Nana loves a-all of y-you" Meredith whispered

"Why don't we go outside with Luke and Riley after your nap?" Derek suggested

"S-Sounds good" Meredith smiled softly as Edith burped "T-That was a b-big one" She laughed

"I'll go put her down so you can rest" Derek kissed her forehead

Meredith thought about her family and barely even noticed that Derek had returned

"Let's lay you down, my love" He smiled and helped her get comfortable

"T-Thanks. G-Go, enjoy the p-party" She smiled and closed her eyes

"Yell if you need anything" He kissed her forehead and left

"Yeah" She breathed and fell asleep

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