49. Naked

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Bolt was going to be made genin today, and that would mean missions, which meant his dads could get some time for themselves too.

"I'm a genin now!", the boy exclaimed as he entered the hokage office.

"Heck yeah you are!", this blonde dad replied with the same enthusiasm, "I'm so proud of you Bolty"

"Jeez thanks dad. I couldn't have done without you and dad. Believe it! Speaking of dad, has he come back yet? I can't wait to tell him the news!"

"He should reach the village by today or maybe tomorrow. Then we can go out to celebrate!"

The boy got even more excited, "Yeah yeah, we can go to the fair. I'll invite Shika and Inojin too! Then we can all have fun! And then I can have dango from that new place. I can't wait!", he yelled.

"Anything you want love. But remember, making genin is a serious and important job. You'll have missions soon and you'll have to toughen up"

"I know I know. Don't go all hokage on me, you and dad have been training me for this for so long now, I can't wait to be handed a mission. It's going to be so cool!"

"Yeah more like chasing a cat", his dad mumbled to himself, thinking about the missions they got to do at the beginning.

"Okay then I'll see you both at home. Bye dad!", and the boy left with a big grin.

Like Naruto had predicted, his son and his team got handed mundane missions at the beginning. The boy would come home all tired and frustrated for being handed 'baby missions'. His dads would then have to face his tantrums.

"This is so unfair! Both of yours' first mission was an A class. When will I be getting those?", he complained crossing his small arms.

"In our defense, it wasn't supposed to be an A class. We were lucky we had Kakashi back then", the raven clarified.

"I can handle myself. Plus, we have Konohamaru sensie and he was basically dad's student"

"One step at a time darling. You'll get there soon enough. Just keep training", Naruto said with a smile.

"Yeah like that even stopped you from whining when we got handed anything below B", Sasuke mumbled, earning a glare in return. The boy giggled at his parents' antics.

After a few weeks of mundane missions, Bolt and his team got an escort mission to a small village nearby. He was to be gone for a few days. Sasuke wanted to make the most out of this opportunity and hold his cherished husband in the sweetest of the ways. But the said husband had been swamped with work lately and he would work his ass off till he was smashed when he got home. Well this was going to change.

On the third day that Bolt was gone, Sasuke stepped into the hokage office in the evening and stood in front of the desk. The blonde was in the middle of reading into something Shikamaru had asked him to when he looked up to face his husband, "Hey you. Wh-"

"I'm taking you out today. Let's go", came the stoic statement.

"What? Sasuke I have work-", but his husband was already out of the office.

That's weird.

Naruto decided that he should give this evening to his husband so he finished up with the paper at hand and left the office to join the raven. They began walking in the village streets, the blonde not knowing where they were headed to, he tried asking the raven but got little to no response. Soon the raven stopped, making the blonde stop aswell, it made him grin wide seeing where they were.

"The hot springs!? Wow!", the hokage exclaimed.

Sasuke smiled at his excited idiot, he had booked a private spring for the evening, knowing that his idiot husband could take a break after that nonstop working that he did. They led themselves inside, checked in and went to the changing rooms. Sasuke went to a different changing room than his husband, which made the blonde confused.

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