27. Strange men

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Few days went by smoothly, Sasuke had decided to help the villagers with anything they needed an extra hand with, it kept him feeling...grounded of a sort. It was the weekend, and the raven had decided to speak to the hokage concerning his plan to search for white zetsu remnants, if any, in the other nations as well. The sun had long been gone, and fall breeze could be felt on the raven's skin, which felt nice. He entered the hokage office and found Naruto about to head out the door.

"You going somewhere?", the raven asked.

"Oh hey. Yeah i was just about to head out. You need my help with anything?", the blonde seemed in a good mood and seemed obviously eager to head out. Seeing this the raven decided to say, "I did. But it can wait. I'll come by tomorrow"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then, have a good night Sasuke", the blonde said with a genuine smile, and left.

That frickin smile.

Sasuke turned towards Shikamaru, "Where's he off to?", he asked.

Shikamaru was resting leisurely on his chair, "I'd say it's none of your business, but...you're an idiot, and he...well".

He said what now!?

"Excuse me?", the raven raised a brow.

"How troublesome. He's gone to the club named S3ven, he goes there every week"


"Since when?", he asked with his fist closed.

Shikamaru gave him a look as if saying, you're a moron. "I'm sure you can figure it out. Now if you'll excuse me, id like to rest a little before going home to my wife", he stated and went back to resting.

Sasuke shook his head, why should i care where he goes, and went out for a walk in the village.
Call it fate or a deliberate decision, the raven's feet took him to the one place he thought he would never go back to.

S3ven was in it's usual swing tonight. The fact that it was the weekend and that this was the usual day in the week the hokage of the leaf visited, made it more lively. Upon seeing the handsome raven, a few people tried to approach him, but mostly steered clear of him, Sasuke cared for none, he was in search of a certain blonde, why was he in search of him? He wasn't quite sure himself.

Why am i even here?

Maybe deep down he didn't want to have to witness the blonde having a go with someone else, anyone, for that matter. Then he saw him. The gorgeous man sitting on a bar stool, laughing brightly, a drink in his hand. The raven felt heat going through him, he wanted to approach the blonde, take his hand, kiss him, he'd dance with him if thats what the blonde wanted. The raven would do anything to keep that smile onto the blonde's innocent face, and he would die protecting it. The raven was falling back into his pattern without himself realizing, but he wasn't complaining now was he.

He unconsciously started making his way through the crowd to his blonde, wanting to touch him and have a casual conversation maybe, it had been too long. But something made him stop....the blonde wasn't alone, he was in a conversation with a brunette man sitting in front of him, who had his chin resting on his hand onto the bar table and was looking and listening intently with a smile at the blonde man who was talking non-stop. Just then, another man approached them, carrying two drinks in his hand and sat down beside the brunette, joining in on the conversation.

Not one, but two, his blonde was in conversation with two men at the same time, who seemed very interested in what the blonde had to say, too interested for the raven's liking. Sasuke's hand turned into a fist, he didn't like the way the men were staring at the blonde, his blonde. His feet started walking without him realizing and stopped in front of the three men, eyes glaring at the two strangers.

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