29. Everything

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The winters in the Leaf village could get very harsh, very fast. But all Sasuke felt was heat, traveling through his whole body. When Naruto said goodbye to him, something inside the raven jumped, telling him to stop his blonde and to tell him all that he had been feeling for months now, since the night of their first time, or maybe even before that?
What was it though? Admiration, lust or  affection? But it was more than that now wasn't it.

So the raven stopped trying to make sense of everything, and he finally let loose, letting his heart take over his mind on this one rare occasion. And the words made its way out of his mouth on their own.

"I felt it too"

Naruto had stopped walking when he heard that. The words echoed in the deserted area in front of his residence. But he didn't turn, nor said anything, he just stood, and waited.

The raven took a deep breath and started, "That night, I felt it too. I felt everything you did. But Naruto...", he moved a few steps closer to the blonde, still leaving a fair distance between them, "You're the hokage...and I...Im a man. So, I tried to save you from anymore confusion, or the hate you'd get if we continued with this and eventually...the hatred you would have towards me. And in order to do that, without realizing, I got bitter, cold and distant towards you", he exhaled deeply, "I-I'm sorry for all the times I've mistreated you. But I've realized that this affection I have for you only grew stronger with time, despite my intentions. And I would understand if you reject me or my apology, but Naruto...I just...wanted you to know this, without expecting anything in ret-"

"Shut up", a whisper was heard from the blonde, who hadn't said anything or reacted in anyway until now.
The raven froze.

"You...are...a cruel man Sasuke", Naruto said shaking, "I...have nothing to say to you", he tried to move towards the door.

"Anything! I-I'll do anything Naruto. Just say the word", the raven blurted out in desperation.

"My words mean nothing to you, you've already made that clear", Naruto stated.

Sasuke was torn, he couldn't believe that he had hurt his blonde so deeply that he would become untrustworthy in the blonde's eyes. Trust. No, it was an unacceptable thought for the raven, he trusted the blonde with his life, how could he have let it go so far that the blonde couldn't even trust his words anymore.

"You mean...EVERYTHING to me", the raven said through his teeth.
Naruto felt a tug on his cloak, the raven had grabbed onto a corner of it without them both realizing.

"I wouldn't bear if anything were to happen to you or your position as hokage, especially because of me", Sasuke had moved closer to the blonde, standing behind him, his hold onto his cloak tightened, hand shaking.

Naruto could feel the raven's breath on the back of his neck. He knew that he could leave if he wanted to, he didn't have to listen to this. But he dared not move.

"I want this. I-I've wanted this since that night you touched my soul. But...i can't be selfish, your dream is bigger than any of this, any of us", he whispered as if it hurt just saying the words, "I only beg for you to understand that you can trust me, like I trust you. That I have your back no matter what, like I know you have mine. That you will have my support, if that's the last thing I do. I'll follow you till my last breath, and I'll die for you Naruto, just say the word, and...Im yours", his whispers became weaker, "I'll do whatever you say from here on out, I promise. Your word is my command. I'll never disrespect you or your word ever again. Just let me...be your shadow".

The Uchiha and the Uzumaki stood outside in the open, inches away from each other. The raven's face was touching the blonde's hair. They were standing still, not daring to move a limb. Both had tears in their eyes that they either hadn't noticed or simply didn't care about at that moment. Both of their thoughts were all over the place. Both of their jaws clenched, hands had turned into fists, shaking. The silence was comforting as it was piercing through them at the same time. The cold wind blew through their hair, through their bones, through their hearts, which were beating faster than ever.

To a third person, the raven might not have made sense, nor it could be known what it was that he was asking from the blonde. But Naruto knew, he now knew that the raven wanted exactly what he himself desired. He now only had to decide what would he do or say to the raven.

"If...if I say the word, you're mine?", the blonde finally broke the silence.

"You only have to say it", the raven whispered. Holding back tears.

"I...I want you to be selfish Sasuke"

Sasuke clenched the blonde's cloak even harder, making him take a step backwards, so now the blonde's back was pressed against the raven's broad chest. Sasuke's breathing was ragged, he was crying, he rested his head onto the blonde's shoulder. Naruto let him. They stayed like that for sometime.

Slowly the raven's hand was taken by the blonde, he turned towards the sobbing Uchiha, who had his face downwards.

"Sasuke...", the blonde whispered, staring at the raven intently, hand in hand. "Sasuke look, it's snowing".

The raven lifted his head, still sniffing, tears rolling down his cheeks, but he suddenly stopped. His eyes widened when he saw the face of his blonde in front of him. It was snowing, but the raven didn't seem to notice, the snow had nothing on the blonde, he was shining in every way possible, his skin had a rose like tint to it, his swollen cheeks stained with tears, his breath condensing into the air, his brilliant smile and those gorgeous blue eyes looking directly into the raven's black ones. Sasuke was awstruck.

He just wanted to touch this angel, with every cell in his body. The next thing he knew, he was standing inches away from his blonde angel. His hand made its way to the blonde's cheek, to which the angel leaned into.

"You...you're an angel Naruto. Forgive this sin I'm about to commit", and with that, Sasuke leaned in and kissed the Uzumaki full on the lips. The blonde instantly gave into the kiss, wanting this just as much as the raven. Both of them explored each other's mouths, licking and sucking onto everything that they could. Naruto had placed one of his hands onto the raven's waist and the other on the back of his head, his fingers grabbing onto raven hair. The kiss got deeper and deeper and deeper, till it felt like hours, days even. Sasuke couldn't get enough of the blonde's taste, he wanted more, he wanted...everything the blonde had to offer. He bit the blonde's lower lip gently but longingly, which made the blonde moan into the kiss, making his knees feel weak.

Sasuke broke the kiss slowly pecking the the blonde's swollen lips. He looked into the blue orbs, both men breathing heavily.

"I-I want to give us a chance...if you allow it. Maybe we should take it slow, see how it goes", the raven was still reluctant because of the blonde's official position.

"I'd like that, we could take it slow...maybe after tonight", the blonde's expression had changed into a dreamy one. Before the raven had a chance to react, he was being led inside the Uzumaki's residence by a hand grabbing onto his.

The door got closed to the residence, leaving the street deserted once again like it had been an hour ago. And despite it being bitter cold outside, the temperature inside the residence was just getting higher, much much higher.

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