Home Sweet Home

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"Just like that, nice and slow," Jimin said as Y/n walked out of the store slowly.

"Get in the van," the deep voiced man who ordered coffee said as they approached a white van that was parked outside.

Y/n looked back at the store for a second but as soon as she felt the other man press his gun into her back she quickly got rid of any thoughts of running and climbed into the back on the van, taking a seat.

The man with the deep voice sat next to her with his gun still pointed against her head as the other man and Jimin sat across from her. They stared at her with cold eyes, looking her up and down and making her feel worthless. She looked to the side and saw a red haired man in the drivers seat. He was wearing a mask so she could only see his eyes but he gave off an intimidating aura without trying. 

"Start driving Hoseok, I'm sure someone's already been informed of our whereabouts and are on the way, so let's get out of here," The mint haired man said. 

Without another word the van started moving, taking only back roads and speeding, rapidly making their way to the outskirts of town. 

Y/n bit her lip and stared at the floor of the van. Seeing as none of the men holding weapons were saying anything she figured it'd be best if she didn't start a conversation right now. 

They reached a line of trees, marking the start of what seemed to be a forest, when the deep voiced man next to Y/n grabbed something from under the seat. She looked over but was met with a damp cloth pressed against her face firmly. 

Forgetting that she was the one with a disadvantage in the car, Y/n started to struggle, trying to pull herself away. The man set his other hand on the back of her head to prevent her from pulling backwards, as Jimin set a gun against the side of her head.                 

"Go to sleep, you have a long day ahead of you," he said in his smooth voice. 

The last thing she remembers was looking over at him and seeing a triumphant smirk plastered on his face before everything went black.


"That's what I was thinking too," A voice said from somewhere in front of her.

"She must have called someone. She came way too willingly," Another voice spoke up. 

A third voice joined the conversation, "I don't think it was too willingly. You guys seem to forget that we're known to be some of the most dangerous people in the country, her dad's a police officer, I'm sure she knows who we are and figured it would be best to come with us than fight it."

Y/n forced her eyes to open as her brain reminded her of what happened earlier. Her head was blooming a headache but she ignored it as she watched the three men in front of her. 

When she originally got forced into a van, threatened with a gun and then knocked out, she was sure that she'd wake up tied to a chair in a musty dark basement that had mold in the corners. So you could say she was surprised when she saw that she was in an expensive looking bedroom. The walls were a light blue color, there was a big window to the left, along with a bed adorned with fluffy blankets and soft looking pillows. There was a door in front of her that she was assuming led to a bathroom, to the right of it was a simple white desk which a man with plump lips and broad shoulders sat on. Next to it, a built in closet. To the right of her was the door to the room, which the man from the coffee shop was leaning against.

And Y/n? She was tied to a wooden chair leaning against the wall. She couldn't say she was shocked, they were kidnappers after all. She should be grateful for a warm room with natural lighting. 

"Oh well look who's awake," a smooth voice said, causing her to look up. 

She gulped as she found herself eye to eye with Park Jimin for the second time.

"Morning princess," he said with a dangerous smirk plastered on his face.

Y/n stayed silent, figuring it was her best bet for making it out of here alive. 

He narrowed his eyes at her, "Okay I'll make this quick. Who did you call?" 

The man on the desk groaned, running a hand through his black hair, "Jimin I've been telling you. There was no time for her to tell anyone, she just used her brain and knew this would be ten times easier."

Jimin shook his head before crossing his arms, "Jin hyung, she had to have. Jungkook said she was on her phone the whole time he was in there. I'm sure she somehow recognized him and was texting her dad or something!"

Her dad? She hadn't talked to her dad in months.

Jin shook his head, "You're over thinking this Jimin-ah."

Jimin turned to the man leaning on the door, "Taehyung. Go get the others. We're going to make her tell us the truth."

"Jimin.." Taehyung began quietly. 

Jimin turned to Y/n, his hands clenched into fists, "Go. Bring them now."

Taehyung nodded once before slipping out of the door, closing it behind him. 

Jimin walked over to where Y/n was avoiding eye contact with him. 

He leaned down, setting his hands on her arms which were tied to the chair. 

"Let's see if she can speak," he said in a dangerously low voice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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