Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

I wasn't too sure about leaving Kaden and Charis with them at first, instead I had called them to ask if they knew of any babysitters, however, they re-assured me that they would be fine and Dad would be able to take care of the twins and Mom.

The twins weren't trouble-makers anyways, so I knew they would be fine, besides, I think they deserved a little time with their grandparents, especially because they hadn't seen them for a couple of days now.

I know people would think that I was stupid for leaving the twins with my dad- who had previously abused me so many times, but after spending time with him, I could see that he had changed and he had gotten his act together. He was like the person I used to know and love again.

Alex had to attend an important business meeting about six hours drive away from here, so he left yesterday and was coming back in two days, so he couldn't look after the twins for me. But I was sure the twins would have fun with Mom and Dad anyways.

Changing into a comfortable and casual yet slightly formal outfit- a pair of shorts, a blouse and a pair of heeled ankle boots- the bell rang as soon as I finished. I don't know how I made it just on time, but I did.

I opened the door, slightly nervous but with a glare. "Don't you dare pull an act like that ever again or God help you."

He simply grinned at me, ignoring my threat. "You look beautiful."

He placed a small kiss on my cheek before handing me a single white rose. He looked amazing as well- but I wasn't about to mention that. He was definitely the hottest guy I had ever laid eyes on, and he looked even better right now with his light chinos and plain blue polo shirt- which brought out his eyes.

"Shall we get going then? I want this to finish as soon as possible."

He simply chuckled, looking at me with amusement in his eyes. It seemed like today, whatever I said wouldn't change his ecstatic mood. He would still look at me with that massive grin . . .all because I had agreed to go on a date with him.


So far, the date had gone surprisingly well, and I found myself enjoying myself. Shocker, right? He had taken me on a totally cheesy and romantic date. He had driven for more than an hour to the beach, where he had set up a picnic on the cliff which overlooked the beach.

As cheesy and as cliched as it was, I found it quite cute and sweet. In the car, we had talked about everything from our favourite types of music and to our favourite colours. Chase was trying to be funny, cracking a stupid joke here and there, nevertheless, it made me laugh.

And I was quite shocked with we arrived at the beach, because I had expected somewhere not so romantic. But it turns out that Chase was quite the romantic at heart.

He seemed really curious to want to hear about my life as well, and how different it was or how hard it was being in the eyes of the media all the time. And I would answer to his questions as honestly as I could.

As we sat silently eating food he had brought, he asked a question which surprised me slightly because not many people were interested in it anyways, so they hardly asked about it. But Chase did.

"How were you found?"

"I got a job in a cafe when I was pregnant because I didn't want to be dependent on the pack when Alex," he growled at his name, "found me. Honestly, I'm so grateful that Mark, that's Alex's dad, signed me. He's a record producer and an amazing father figure. Him and Alex had always been there for me and the twins, and they would look after them when I was exhausted from recording or preparing for the concerts. Whenever I needed them, they were always there for me."

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