Chris sent it to me.
I have plenty others if you want?

Okay we're not friends anymore
See you in two weeks on set coworker

Come on it was funny
Would you answer please?
You are being childish you know that.
Whatever I still keep the lock screen

April 7th, 2014:

"Thanks for coming with me, Romain couldn't come and I didn't want to do this alone." Scarlett thanked her friends when they get out of the doctor. "No problem. Did you see her she had cute little fingers and toes. And it's a girl!" Lizzie answered excitedly.

"I did, do you want one of the ultrasounds pictures? I mean as the godmother you could want it." Scarlett asked seriously bitting back a smile when Lizzie stop in her track. "What did you just say?"

"Asked if you wanted an ultrasound picture." Scarlett answered innocently making Lizzie roll her eyes. "Not that asshole the second part."

"Yeah right, I subtlety asked if you wanted to be the godmother." The older said shrugging. "For real?" Lizzie asked with a wide smile.

"Don't make me repeat it a third time Lizzie, I don't see anyone else having this role in her life." Scarlett told her honestly. "Of course I want to be her godmother." The younger said pulling Scarlett in a hug.

July 27th, 2014:

"I want to cut my hair." Scarlett said to Chris and Lizzie while munching on some fruits. They were in her house in New York hanging out since both Lizzie and Chris were in the city for business. "You already did last month." Chris said pointing at the new bob hairstyle Scarlett had on.

"I know but I want short-short hair. I'm tired of them like really." The blonde explained sighing tiredly. "I think you'll be hot with short hair." Lizzie thinks aloud making Scarlett chuckled lightly.

"Thank you, see Chris this is why she is the godmother." Scarlett said pointing at Lizzie which make her smile smugly. "Uh, I'm the godfather."

"Not the point Christopher. So Scarlett short-short? Does Romain have a hair clipper somewhere?"

Endless to say that the next day Scarlett was seen in New York with a new haircut.

August 30th, 2014:

"He's an asshole I'm like at the end of the line and he left for a fucking business trip." Scarlett angrily complains waddling around Lizzie's apartment rubbing her stomach.

It's been a week since Romain had left but she still couldn't believe it, when he left she kinda move in with Lizzie. The younger didn't want Scarlett to be alone in a hotel when she was so near to giving birth. And also she was feeling a bit lonely since Boyd wasn't home at the moment.

"Oh fuck!" Scarlett yelled holding her stomach. She had pains in her stomach all day but this one was something else. Lizzie jumped from the couch and to Scarlett when she do so she walks on something wet. "Did you pee on yourself Teeny?" She asked alerted.

"Yeah, that's the right question to ask why would you ask 'did your water just break' at your nine months pregnant friend!"

"Okay okay jees, we'll clean you up quickly and go to the hospital." Lizzie said calmly bringing Scarlett into the bathroom, she was internally freaking out but one of them had to stay calm. "I'm sorry I didn't want to scream at you."

"I know Scar don't worry. You're having a baby!" Lizzie answered joyfully.

December 28th, 2014:

"I want to break my engagement off with Boyd." Was the first thing Lizzie told over the phone when Scarlett call her. "I know you two have some trouble at the moment but are you sure ?"

"Yes, last night we fight again and he bring something that I didn't even realize. He was complaining about our sex life, we didn't have sex in four months not that I counted but he did. And it made me realize that I'm not attracted to him anymore." Elizabeth explained sniffing, something else had happened the night before but she didn't want to say it over the phone.

"Well it's maybe just a phase I mean Romain and I had this phase before having Rose, we were just too tired to do it nothing to worry about." Scarlett tried to comfort her, Lizzie shakes her head and whipped a tear. "It's not only that Scar, but I'm also not comfortable with him anymore. It's like I'm forcing every kiss and every I love you. And he said something about me being bi, that he didn't like it and if I was with him I was straight."

"Well, he's an asshole if he doesn't accept the fact that you can love and be attracted to men and women. You don't hide about that part of you and he knew from the start you were bi, I don't see the problem here." Scarlett said growing tired of Boyd's actions, this man doesn't know how much he's lucky to have Lizzie as a fiancée.

Over the phone, Lizzie could hear Rose start crying and Scarlett sighing. "Go get her I've got this don't worry." Lizzie said faking confidence.

"Lizzie wait I hate this, I can hear that you're not fine I don't want to let you like th-" She was cut off by Lizzie hanging up letting her know to let it slide.

December 17th, 2021:

"What are you thinking about?" Scarlett asked drawing invisible shapes over Lizzie's belly, the younger woman was on her back while Scarlett was propped up on her elbow. "Just how we met and everything in between until I- I broke off my engagement with him. And also the fact that we should have called Florence or Chris to let them know we weren't coming home for the night." She lightly chuckled.

"Well, we were a bit busy last night." Scarlett answers snuggling her head in Lizzie's neck, she let a moment pass by until she asked. "Do you want to talk about it ?"

"Our fight just brought back bad memories but yeah I think I need to talk about it. But not now, at the moment I just want to appreciate the alone time with you. I missed this." She said genuinely turning to cuddle with Scarlett in her bed, the older woman happily complain and held Lizzie for as long as they can. "I missed this too."

Okay, so this one is like one of my favorite chapters I've written. Some throwback to the start of their friendship!

In a week it's Christmas Eve, I'm not ready :(

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