Fraternal Twins

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(n.) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.

(n.) is a term that describes a distorted or negative perception of reality that implies a condition in which things appear uglier, more distorted, or more negative than they actually are.

(n.) mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.

(n.) an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact.


Once upon a time, a divine being came to be
Equanimity was her name, and had twins conceived.
Kalopsia and Cacopsia, both opposite but equal.
They were dropped into two worlds, for each one ideal.

Kalopsia's was gorgeous, delightful and perfect.
Nothing was feared, defective or rejected.
Fields flooded with bright flowers, majestic angels roamed the sky.
Kalopsia was euphoric, she felt she could fly.

Cacopsia's was in detriment, putrid and imperfect.
Nothing was admired, unblemished nor accepted.
Fields covered in skulls and blood, demons roamed the sky.
Cacopsia was miserable, she felt she could die.

Some time passed, the twins were older now.
One day, they wanted to visit each other, but didn't know how.
They called their mother, seeking guidance for a way out to one another.
Equanimity appeared, deciding to assist reunite.

She gave each twin a gift:
Rose-colored glasses to Cacopsia.
Dark sunglasses to Kalopsia.
And then, there was a shift.

Kalopsia saw corpses where she had seen flowers.
Cacopsia saw flowers where she had seen corpses.
The angels were demons, the demons were angels.
And then, suddenly, there were not two different worlds, but different angles.

With this revelation, the twins closed their eyes and fell on to the ground.
They hugged so tight until they merged into one.
Their mother came, contemplating this new compilation.
The new creature emerged, their name was Realization.

Hope You Get It.


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