Why The Fuck Am I Here?

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The mid-afternoon sun shone bright, the students walking out of the most prestigious hero school in the country. And one student was still asleep inside an empty classroom, the air conditioner emitting cool air inside the once filled room, now sits a lonely teen. His arms hugged his bag while his head rested atop it, drool slowly seeping out of his slightly open mouth. His snores sounded out in the empty hallway.

Yaoyorozu Momo was a very punctual girl ever since she was a kid. She learned various things ever since she was a young child; How to speak formally and professionally, walk like a proper lady, act like a dignified person. Her parents hired private tutor after private tutor so their little girl could grow up as a refined, elegant, and sophisticated woman.

Hearing the snoring from one of the rooms, she opened their classroom door and found the still asleep class representative, a pool of drool sitting pretty on the table. His hair was messier than usual; she wondered how that happened but shook the thought away. Walking to his side, she produced an air horn from her palm and earmuffs on her head and pointed the air horn on the unsuspecting teen's ear.

Activating the air horn, she grew a tiny grin. She would, of course, deny that she somewhat enjoyed doing it but wiped the expression off her face. She plastered a stern expression as she watched Izuku get up from the floor.

Standing up to his full height, Izuku glared at the teen in front of him and pointed a feral finger at her, "What did I say about waking me up?" He growled out, bloodshot eyes staring at hers.

Momo, not wanting to be intimidated, raised her chin and met him head first, "Not to wake you up, but mister Aizawa said we have a meeting with the rest of the class representatives today after class," She voiced, strict and firm.

"You think I care about that?" He said as he rubbed his eyes. Reaching inside his pocket, he noticed the bottle had dried out and made an annoyed tch.

"You got some eye drops, yaoyowhatso?" He asked as he looked at the raised-brow girl.

"First of, it's yaoyorozu, and secondly, you seriously have the audacity to ask me that after being rude to me?" She remarked as she turned around, "I'm heading to the meeting room. If you don't come, mister Aizawa would most likely get infuriated at us, and I, for one, do not what to enrage a faculty member." She said, reaching for the door handle.

Izuku scoffed, "He'll probably just slither back inside his cocoon," He voiced as he wiped the drool away off his chin and packed his bags, "Where the fuck is this meeting room anyway?" He asked.

"Oh?" Momo made an interested noise while turning around, "I thought you said, and I quote, 'You think I care about that?' so why are you packing your bag?" An arrogant smile slowly grew on her face as she looked at the other teen.

"Because I'm going to this stupid fucking meeting, what else?" He said, annoyance coating his voice, "You were the one that insisted that I go, now you're asking why I'm going?" He asked with an annoyed expression. Walking past her; she heard him say, "I'm going because I have to, not because I want to, and especially not because you told me to."

'Is he a tsundere?' She thought, following behind him. Shaking the thought away, she walked a little bit faster to catch up to him, "Since you said you're coming, please fix your messy hair. We don't want to look disreputable in front of our peers." She said, her voice falling on deaf ears.

"Oh, and please fix your uniform. I would consider looking professional and right for the job when we get there." She planned, looking to her right, she saw the taller teen cleaning his ears, "You saying something, yaoyodozo?" He asked with raised eyebrows, a cocky smirk on his handsome face.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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