Battle Training Or Something

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The group of Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero went inside the guys changing room to get ready for their hero studies. Before the group of teens went and change, all might, the number one hero of japan, entered their classroom not looking like a normal person, said they had to change and get ready for their BATTLE TRAINING or some shit.

The three stooges were having a blast complementing each other about their hero costume, while we see the two best friends change, Izuku removing his sweater then unbuttoning his polo uniform and tie, exhibiting his built form, not too lean and not too bulky, just the right amount of muscle to support his type of fighting style. And to look good in the clothes he likes to wear.

He looked at the mirror behind his locker door and looked at all the scars he has on his body. Multiple cut, stab scars present on his upper and lower torso, two or three bullet wound scars, he turned around and saw plentiful more scars and healing burnt skin, his body littered with old wounds, littered with stories untold to anyone but katsuki.

"You're not using the burn cream that I gave you" Izuku heard katsuki grumbled while looking at his chest area "How many times do I need to say this, shit stain. Even when you can't feel pain, it's still important to take care of your fucking body" He said, then strapped his gauntlets around his wrist.

"Yeah," Izuku sarcastically answered "Next time don't use an overpower move on me, then I wouldn't need the fucking cream in the first place" He gave katsuki a flat stare.

"Not my fault you were too slow" The pomeranian grinned "Maybe need more of that parkour that you've been slacking on?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Who was the one that made me play apex till I got addicted?" Izuku raises his eyebrow at that.

"touche," Katsuki muttered while looking at the three extras "OI! ARE YOU THREE FUCKING CHICKS!? HOW FUCKING SLOW DO YOU CHANGE?!"


The class is now inside the fake city, waiting for everyone to be present, their teacher, all might, is at the front of the group of teens, a smile that is always present, plastered on his face.

"ALRIGHT!" Came the booming voice of the 7'2 foot man "IS EVERYONE READY!?"

The class was about to answer 'YES!' But the heiress raised her hand to get all might's attention, "Midoriya is still not here, sir" She voiced

"Oh? HAS ANYONE SEEN HIM?" He asked, looking around the class "I'm right here" Came the voice of Izuku, tone still lazily done with life. Basically like Aizawa's.


"Yeah, yeah, just get on with the training," Izuku said dismissively, while the class sweat drop slightly 'Guess he's not a fan of all might?'


While all might explains some details to the class Izuku walks to where katsuki is, and where the three stooges are as well.

"What took you so damn long changing?" Katsuki asked, annoyed.

"I think you look awesome, bro!" Voice the maple leaf

"Kinda lookin' like a proper delinquent" Sero grinned

"Nah," Disagreed the charging station "He looks more like a small mafia boss" He smirked

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