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November 2009
(Thanksgiving day)

They all took turns holding Aleah until Hunter had her in his arms. He admired the six year old who shyly kept her eyes down with Scarlett and Chris watching her actions like a hawk.

"She looks so much like you." Hunter said, bouncing the child in his arms.

Scarlett smiled as an answer before turning back to her older sister.

"Please forgive me." Vanessa pleaded. "I didn't mean to hit you, I-I just-"

The 24 year old cut off her older sister by embracing her in an enormous hug, holding on tight.

"Don't worry about it, doesn't even hurt."She whispered into her sister's ear. "I'm sorry too."

As Hunter tried getting Aleah to giggle, the doorbell rang suddenly, making everyone go still.

"That'll be my family." Chris sighed walking over to the door. Scarlett took Aleah back into her own arms before following Chris to the front door.

With a deep breath, the 27 year old reached out his hand to turn the knob, opening the door slowly to reveal his parents and his younger brother. A wave of disappointment crossed over his face as he realized his two sisters weren't standing outside the door.

"Is that my niece!?" Scott cooed, ignoring his brother completely and grabbing Aleah from Scarlett's arms.

Aleah giggled as Scott made odd faces at her and Hunter immediately became jealous.

"Where's Shanna and Carly?" Chris asked his parents. He really wanted his sisters here too, but his parents only glared at him, looking back and forth between the child and their son.

"You told Scott before your own parents?" Scarlett hissed, elbowing him in the arm as she noticed their disapproving looks and anger.

"Shut up, you didn't tell anyone." He hissed back before going to explain and comfort his mother and father.


Melanie and Lisa started putting thanksgiving dinner onto the table. With the clattering of dishes and the beeping of the oven, everyone made their way into the kitchen. They all sat down at the large table, waiting to dig into the delicious food.

"There's no dairy, right?" Scarlett asked frantically trying to grab her mother's attention. It was hard with the amount of noise coming from everyone and everything.

"Nothing has milk, or butter, or-or-" Scarlett was stopped by her mother who put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Everything is safe for Aleah." Melanie smiled. "I promise."

Scarlett let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding as she guided Aleah to a seat next to her.

"What's wrong with milk?" Lisa asked, although she was barley heard as everyone began serving themselves.

"Aleah is deathly allergic to dairy, mom." Chris revealed, pulling out a chair for his mother to sit on.

Lisa looked at Aleah who was smiling wide as she eyed the big turkey that sat in the middle of the table. God, that child could eat anything.

Lisa quickly grabbed her granddaughter's plate and added some food to it.

"No stuffing please." Aleah shyly said and Lisa smiled, nodding her head as she skipped over the bowl of stuffing.

As Lisa placed Aleah's now full plate in front of her, Melanie placed a glass of apple juice in front of her as well.

"Someone's being spoiled by her grandparents." Scarlett smirked as she ruffled her daughter's hair.

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