Chapter 11 : Decisions Decisions

Start from the beginning

"There's no point, all I'm trying to do is get my best friend back." she answers with unexpected calmness.

"I'm sorry I just want to be alone right now." I respond and she nods.

"Alright but just incase you ever do have a quickie with Demilade," she adds and tosses a pink little box at me.

Immediately recognizing it from the pharmacies I smack it back in her direction.

"You're sick!" I say and she cackles at me.

I fight to keep my lips downturned but fail miserably.

"I just wanted to make you smile but think of it as a gift." Victoria says stretching her hand out to me this time.

"You're sexually active?" I ask and accept it, not wanting to take the condoms but afraid someone might recognize them.

"Have been for a while now." she replies with a shrug.

"How? and your mum?" I question, struggling to make sense of her words.

She gives me one of her double edged smiles again. "Let's just say there are a lot of things she doesn't know about me."

I shake my head and hail her. "Fear church girls o!"

To which she corrects me. "No-no fear Victoria."

"What happened to sweet little Victoria from last summer?" I ask no one in particular.

My friend loops her arm in mine and hums to herself. "She grew up my sister, she grew up."


I place a full stop on my exercise book and conclude my reading for the day.

I had been practicing Chemistry past questions till I could see triple carbon bonds when I closed my eyes.

Grabbing my phone from the stand, I contemplate what to do with the few minutes I could still keep my eyes open.

I scroll down and almost tap on Demilade's chat when his call comes in.

Instinctively I flatten my scattered twists and clear my throat before I pick.

"Hey you." he says and my worries fly out my bedroom window.

"It seems you have a habit of calling me late at night." I respond and hear the same laugh that never got old.

"Work calls, and I thought I'd give you some time to finish studying." Isren answers.

"How noble of you." I say in faux adoration.

"Is there something about night calls I should know? Because it sounds like you think I have ulterior motives." he says and coincidentally my eyes land on the condom I had left on my bed.

"Me? No, I don't find you calling me at ungodly hours suspicious." I tease, quickly kicking the pack under my duvet.

"Then, I'll have you know I called to check on you and ask about the gala this Friday." he says and I tense up.

I didn't have any outfit that would be up to a prestigious gala standard.

"Yeah you're picking me at 4:30 right?" I ask to fill the silence that had followed.

"I am but that's not what I'm asking for. I have a gift I hope you won't refuse." he says and I cut in.

"Isn't it too early for gifts." I rush out not wanting to get roped into a sugar baby saga.

"I had a feeling you'd say that, I just don't want you to feel out of your element at the gala." he says and I cringe.

"So it is going to be full of snobby socialites. How on earth am I even going to attend without landing on a gossip column?" I question begining to contemplate an excuse to give him.

"Easy. It's a private event and your problem will be solved if you just accept my gift." he assures me and I pause.

On one hand I wanted to spend more time with him, but on the other I'd be in high society when clearly I wasn't rich, sophisticated, or glamorous.

Suddenly my insecurity came back and I felt so small compared to him in every way.

"Nimi?" he asks and I sigh.

"I don't think I'm cut out for this." I answer softly.

"I thought you were all about risks." he says out of the blue and my lips thin.

I didn't want to be a wimp.

"I'm returning the gift after the event." I say having made up my mind.

"Is that a yes I'm hearing?" Isren teases.

"If it's not fun you're taking me back home. Deal?" I ask instead.

"Agreed." he answers without skipping a beat.

But my heart did.

Gone Bad (Nigerian Novel) -EditingWhere stories live. Discover now