"I..." he smiled, walking inside, towards me.

"It's fine." He stood inches away from me, looking at me. I had to tilt my head upwards to meet his eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay." I hesitated to ask something else. "How... how did this happen?"

"You fell asleep. I brought you here." And then it hit me.


"Luke knows that you're at Roselyn's." I frowned. "I texted him from your phone when I brought you here." Okay, he thought this out.

"And did we-"

"I slept in the same bed. No, we didn't go anywhere further and no, I didn't use you." I nodded.

"And what about classes?" He let out a small laugh.

"That's a worry for you? You don't even need to attend at this point, princess." I had forgotten the way he called me. "However, there is a mid-term coming up." Next month will be December. Christmas. But that means mid-terms. "You can take them next week. I'll prepare one separately for you." I shook my head.

"That's wrong."

"It's pointless for you, princess. Sure if you want, I'll give the one hundred points today and you won't need to take it, but I think I know you well enough to say that you're not like that."

"Why would you give me that?"

"The test is as easy as two plus two, trust me. You aced the matrix topic which will consist of about eighty per cent of the test-" he was telling me things that could get him in trouble.

"You can't tell me that."

"Listen, you have all the roads open for you to graduate early. You could literally start your PhD after New Years." I shook my head.


"Amelia, this is your chance. I can help you."

"Why?" That came out louder than I wanted it to. "Why me? Is it just because you're attracted to me? Just because of that?"

"Don't put words in my mouth," I rolled my eyes and looked away from him. His hand wrapped around my throat, tilting my face to face him. "You should be fucking happy I'm doing this for you. You're probably the only person I've worked with in my entire life that is this talented. And sure, maybe I do like you. I really like you. But I'm not doing this to get you in my bed. I think we both know that you came crawling to me last night." I looked him in the eyes. His intoxicating eyes. Was he lying? Probably not. At least he wasn't when he said the last part.

I asked for that myself. Literally crawled into my professor's lap. "I'm trying to help you. Do you know how well you could do in life?"

"And would you do the same for someone that was like me? If they waltzed through the door when you began a class with me in the audience, would you offer them this help?" He stayed silent.

"Since when do you care about others, Amelia? You have probably the biggest opportunity in your life standing in front of you. I told you that I can ruin your career with one call. But you also know that I can help you. Of course, you can go your way out and chose to become like every other student there. You'll get the grades, you'll graduate, but three years later. You'll lose three years. Three fucking years, Amelia." What he offered was great, but it came with sacrifices. His name will be permanently attached to mine. Not that that is much of a bad thing but with that will come favours.

"And you're telling me that you'll want nothing in return?" His eyes were bloodshot. He wasn't happy or even fine to hear me ask that. He was mad. "You're telling me that you won't need anything from me? Like, I don't know, sex?" He chuckled, looking away from me.

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