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Doc + Hank
Well this is a book about them so obviously they're first:))

Hank is an absolute idiot when it comes to relationships and Doc is bad at expressing his feelings so we all know this is going to go great.

Hank probably had a crush first, eventually after Hank started getting affectionate and always hanging around Doc, Doc also fell for him. :)

Doc was the one to confess first and make it official. Hank kinda just decided one day he liked Doc and didn't see the point in confessing to him because he was already treating him like they were dating. Plus, he has no clue how to confess to someone. How. Please tell him.

When Doc confessed Hank was really happy and wouldn't stop jumping around and hugging him. Doc was weirded out by this behavior change but thought it was cute and was happy he felt the same.

They get along most of the time. The only time Doc is ever really mad at Hank is when he comes home from a mission and is fucking destroyed. He yells because he loves him and is worried he'll lose Hank... again. Hank will never be mad at Doc, he is just incapable of being mad at him. He may pout and act angry but trust me, he's not angry. Him angry is terrifying.

Hank is super protective. Very very protective. It isn't that he's worried about Doc leaving him or something (in his mind that will never happen), he just doesn't want him to get hurt by others. Though even if it's his teammates getting a little too close to Doc, he'll still get hostile. Just a reaction I guess.

Hank really likes cuddling. Even if they can't lay down and cuddle, He'll always lay his head on Doc's shoulder while he's doing something and hug him from behind. Doc gets annoyed pretty fast if he's literally just trying to walk around, but if he tries to get Hank off him, he's going to end up getting picked up and thrown onto a surface as Hank continues to cuddle him. There's no stopping him.

Sanford + Deimos
Sorry if you don't ship them but I do they are cute so 💅

Deimos is an annoying dumbass and no one knows how Sanford manages to handle him so well.

They have been best friends for YEARS. Don't really know who fell for who first, but they both ended up having feelings for each other and eventually boom, they are boyfriends.

They kinda just decided they were together one night. Neither of them knew how it happened but Doc asked if they were together and they both just said "yeah, why not"

Deimos is super clingy, Sanford never minds though. He likes the clinginess.

They are really touchy with each other and it's rare to see them not cuddling, holding hands, or at least next to each other.

Sanford is constantly worried about loosing Deimos. He's worried about loosing everyone, but Dei especially. These two never ever leave each other's side, if Deimos was taken from him he would go insane.

Hank & Sanford
These two get along very well.

They have like a father figure and brainless kid dynamic.

Hank likes having Sanford on missions with him, he's usually a loner but he doesn't mind Sanford. Sanford always wants Hank to be with him because.. well obviously he's a killing machine.

Hank & Deimos
Don't mind the violence, they're good friends. Hank just tries to choke Dei a lot.

They like playing video games together, but that's really all they like doing together. There's not much to do in Nevada, so that's the only thing they can connect with.

Hank gets annoyed at Deimos easily when on missions, Deimos always jokes around and almost gets killed often. He never takes it seriously unless they are on the verge of death, which isn't often with Hank around. Hank will bonk him and trip him if he's being loud or joking around too much.

Deimos really likes Hank. He thinks it's hilarious when he gets annoyed and when he doesn't understand jokes. He does look up to him though, he's equally as scared as him as well. Hank is scary.

He WILL make an inappropriate joke in front of Hank and watch him stand there in confusion. It's the funniest shit ever to him and Sanford, even though Sanford always tells him not to while he's also encouraging it by laughing his ass off.

Doc & Sanford
They respect each other.

Doc likes Sanford because he's the only other one with common sense on the team and usually doesn't provide him with MORE work when the three come home from missions.

Sanford likes Doc simply because of his skills, he enjoys having a "doctor" on the team. Sanford cares a lot for him because he's also apart of the team and he sees them all as family.

Doc & Deimos
I mean, they don't mind each other as long as Deimos isn't purposely trying to be
annoying 👍

Deimos likes him only for the fact he gets frustrated easily. He can literally open his office door without knocking and earn a lecture. He hates the lectures, but thinks it's funny when Doc gets mad.

Uhm. Yeah, that's about it for them.

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