☁︎︎︎ / "By your side"

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"HANK! Will you stop walking away from me!?"

Complete ignoring the medic's yelling, Hank kept going. He ripped the front door open and walked out. Leaving behind a distressed 2B. The door slammed back, echoing throughout the living room.

Sanford stood up from his seat on the couch, shock and worry all over his face. Deimos was had the same expression but he was glued to the couch, not wanting to get involved.

Doc sighed loudly, crossing his arms and looking angrily at the shut door. He moved to the window, watchung Hank walk off into the distance. He was probably heading to his favorite spot, the dead oak tree on top of the hill, not far from their home.

"What the hell was that? What's going on?" Sanford asked, running over to Doc in a panic. He looked out the window aswell, seeing Hank walking away.

"We got into a fight." 2B mumbled.

"About what?" Deimos questioned.

"I was telling him he needs to take better care of himself.. and things got sort of heated." Doc answered, clearly not wanting to talk much more about it. He kept his arms crossed firmly around his chest, looking back at Sanford.

Doc wasn't one to show many emotions other than anger and annoyance. But in his eyes, Sanford could easily tell how worried and hurt he actually was. Sanford didn't know the extant of the argument but if it was bad enough that he could see it on Doc's face he had to do something about it.

Doc started to head off back for his office, leaving Sanford a little shocked, "Aren't you going to go after him?" He quizzed, watching Doc shake his head and sigh.

"No, I'm just going to give him space. I'm sure he just left to cool off."

Doc left, Hank was outside, leaving only Ford and Dei in the living room. They both stared at each other, Sanford having concern all over his face.

(a/n: shit bro the antisanmos shippers finna rage at this next part lOL... sorry they r cute:(

"Ford, leave it." Dei spat, watching his boyfriend take a move towards the door. "You heard Bee, he needs his alone time."

"But what if he goes off alone and tries to take on tricky or something and gets himself killed!" Sanford was worrying like a mom who had just lost her kid in Walmart. Deimos sighed.

"Babe, this ain't our fight. Hank will be fine, he'll sit out there for a moment, start missing Doc and come waddling back in. Just watch."

Sanford sighed, strolling over to Deimos's side and taking a seat next to him. He wrapped an arm around the smaller man, Dei smiling and kissing his cheek.


Doc walked out of his office, realizing just how late it was. He walked out into the living room, seeing Sanford and Deimos cuddled up together asleep. He felt a little stab to the heart.. wishing that was him and Hank at the moment. Remembering his boyfriend storming out, he checked the whole house, finding no trace of the man.

2B opened the front door quietly, as not to wake the other two, and left the house. He walked through the field of dead grass, the blades dragging against his boots. The raging red Nevada sky had dimmed into a silent black. Only the sounds of wind and the aching trees. He walked, heading up over a hill, and seeing the famous spot where Hank Wimbleton loved to sit and think.

He was there, his dark figure only illuminated by the stars. Doc headed over.

Hank was leaning up against a rock, watching the clouds roll across the dark sky. He didn't acknowledge Doc's presence, watching him from his goggles as he sat down next to Hank and let out a small sigh.

"Hank." He said, almost in a whisper.

He didn't respond.

"I just wanted to say.. I'm sorry, I never meant to upset you." He muttered, staring at Hank despite him not looking back. "I got angry Hank, I'm constantly worried about you and you know that. I care about you deeply Hank, it's why I'm so tough on you when you don't take care of yourself. I never meant that I hated dealing with you."

Hank had finally turned his head over to 2B staring, he still remained silent but Doc felt he was getting somewhere. "I would.. do anything for you Hank. Why do you think I bring you back from hell every other week? I care Hank, and I need you to care about yourself too."

A moment of silence went on for more than anticipated, and 2B once again fell silent.. thinking he had worded something wrong and fucked up again. At least until Hank pulled him into a kiss, ripping his and Doc's mask off and shoving his metal jaw against the medics lips.

2B finally felt at ease again, his chest wasn't hurting from anxiety anymore and he felt calm. In his lover's arms again, both making up and clearly hating the time they spent away from each other pouting.

After their lips separated, they stared into each other's eyes deeply.

"I'll always be by your side Hank... always."


875 words

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